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Downtown Design Project

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Fellow HAIFers,


I have always wanted to set some time aside and design a building or city block...hell even an entire city scape of town just the way I would like to see things built but have always found a way to lose interest before ever fully committing to an idea.  I've had the itch again lately and would like to get some other people (you guys) involved to help maybe steer things in a solid direction and also to have someone to bounce ideas off of.  I think I would stay on task much better if I had a place to share ideas.  Plus I'm working on building my portfolio and I would like to diversify my work.


With that said, I'm opening the floor to some of the things you guys would like to see.  What I was planning on doing was something downtown, perhaps around BBVA Compass Stadium of a mixed use variety.  Tower with retail as well as greenspace.  This could easily eat up a few blocks so that's not out of the question.  I had also wanted to maybe develop an entire streetscape project that helped better connect our existing downtown parks while adding in some new ones.  These were just some things I'd like to see myself.  What kind of things would you guys like?


Once I figure out what direction I want to go, I'll start coming up with some designs and then work on sketches/plans and 3d models/renderings.  I think it would be fun to see everyone's ideas and then come up with something based on those ideas.


Hope to hear some cool things.





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Alright, I have settled on a study area.  I'm attaching an image which shows the 10 lots I have chosen to work with.  I chose them mainly due to the fact that they are primarily surface lots.  This also could act as a connector from the part of downtown that has some of the current highrise residential buildings (savoy, houston house and future skyhouse....) with discovery green and the convention center.  I think the east side of downtown has a lot of potential for residential growth.



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How about weaving a lacework of lanes through the blocks?  The downtown grid is so long to a side that - even if you do have more than a single entrance - most of the street face is inert.


Are you talking about vehicular lanes?  I definitely wanted to incorporate a strong connecting element but I was thinking it would be more tailored to pedestrians.

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