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Texas Homebuilding Newsletter. Your Home Matters.

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Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings, Texas, quarterly newsletter can be found at http://www.hadd.com/documents/texasnewsjuly2005.pdf. (Or see attached pdf file)

We hope you will be interested in the issues surrounding the new home building industry and the lack of consumer protection for homebuyers.

This issue includes:

Mother Jones In Houston, Texas. A national article about a homebuilder in Houston

Killed on the Hill. Consumer bills killed during the legislation session.

Arbitration Fact Sheet. A fact sheet about the abuse of arbitration.

A Homeowner Nails Bob Perry. An article about Bob Perry Homes and arbitration.

John Krugh Confirmation. Details on Bob Perry's Vice President's confirmation to the Commission.

A Public Relations Disaster. A meeting conducted by the TRCC was a disaster in Houston.

Contractors From Hell

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does anyone remember the discussions on haif in our old format when these issues started to broil? we discussed, at length, the shoddy construction of homes and off hands approach to building that companies such as perry homes were producing?

one item that seems to be missing from all these it's about time articles above is the looming disaster coming from fraudulent lending practices. is it not the way that financing is awarded to these builders that is part of the problem and then, subsequently, the builder hired agents who "help" potential homeowners gain financing?

i have a friend who was selling lofts in charlotte, nc. a few years back. he told me that as long as these builders were bringing in buyers who could get financed, they (the builder) would continue to get money for development. the result of this is a determination to get people financed and a rush to develop. these builders will be building out for months even after the market is oversaturated (if it isn't already).

although my knowledge on this is from anecdotal evidence, perhaps some of our readers will have more knowledge of financing for builders and then the builder's determination to gain financing for the potential homeowner?

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