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Energy Efficient Home

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The Citizens League for Environmental Action Now has partnered with the Federation of American Scientists to demonstrate an advanced construction technology that is energy efficient, ecologically and structurally sound, and less expensive to build than conventional housing. In addition the Florida Solar Energy Commission and the Department of Energy are also involved in the design and systems being used in the home. A prototype of an affordable, environmentally friendly house is being built in Houston, inspired by noted architectural designer Roger D. Rasbach.

The house is constructed with a thermal shell of structural insulated panels that eliminates the need for conventional framing and insulation. The home will be built in the Woodland Heights, just outside of downtown Houston at 205 payne street. More information is available at [URL=http://www.cleanhouston.org/living/green_building/projects/envirotech/index.htm]C.L.E.A.N.

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Neat information. A similar concept has been done with styrofoam with a wood panel outside. I guess this is the more updated version.

Moderator, can this be moved to the environmental section?

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