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Request Info On Home Speaker Installation

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I live in a 3rd floor condo with access to my attic and interior drywalls. In December I purchased a Yamaha 7.1 receiver along with a 5.1 Klipsch speaker set. Each speaker is bookshelf sized weighing about 2 pounds.

I’d like to eventually have them hung on the wall. Who would you recommend I get to do this job and what would be the ballpark figure in terms of cost?

The only place that has a price quote online is the Geek Squad and they charge $900 to install just the speakers! That’s more than what I paid for the whole set up!!

I would do it myself but I have images of me falling thru the ceiling at some point.

Any ideas? Suggestions of installers?

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I live in a 3rd floor condo with access to my attic and interior drywalls. In December I purchased a Yamaha 7.1 receiver along with a 5.1 Klipsch speaker set. Each speaker is bookshelf sized weighing about 2 pounds.

I’d like to eventually have them hung on the wall. Who would you recommend I get to do this job and what would be the ballpark figure in terms of cost?

The only place that has a price quote online is the Geek Squad and they charge $900 to install just the speakers! That’s more than what I paid for the whole set up!!

I would do it myself but I have images of me falling thru the ceiling at some point.

Any ideas? Suggestions of installers?

My BF is an audio dude and says you could try Signature Home Theatre on Shepherd, 713-933-0606; they do a lot of install work. Because of the cabling and wall plating involved, 900 is high but not outrageously so. Also said not to attempt with unskilled laborers or rough carpenters, even though they'd give you a good price.

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Since you have access to the attic and interior walls, you should at least consider doing the install. Running cable through interior walls is fairly easy as long as you have an access point and a fairly straight shot between the receiver and speaker location between studs. You'll need a fish tape in order to guide the speaker cable behind the sheetrock. You'll also need a stud sensor to guide your route, and another person to watch for the cable run at the other end. You'll also need to make sure you have enough cable to make the run for each speaker. You'll probably need more than you initially expect.

There are plenty of online guides describing the process. Here are a few...



Speaking of Geek Squad, I used the to mount a TV on an exterior wall. They are overpriced IMO, but the did a good job overall.

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If your place is fairly new, beware of fireblocks installed horizontally between the studs about half way up the wall. They will prevent easy cable runs from floor to ceiling. This shouldn't be a problem for your rear channels because you'll be mounting them near the ceiling, but it can be an issue in the front where your receiver is low in a cabinet and you need to get up to the attic.

I've done my last two places myself and it can be fun if you enjoy the satisfaction. If not, pay the $900. That's not too bad for two guys for half a day plus all of the specialized tools they'll bring to the job.

If you decide to do it yourself, my advice is to not be afraid to cut into the drywall, give yourself plenty of room to work, run the wires and then put the drywall back. In the end, it's actually faster and easier than spending all day trying to fish the wires through some frustratingly small and hard to find hole.

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Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I'm just not the handyman kind. After I got the equipment in Dec I jury-rigged a 3.1 set-up using some cheap speaker stands for the right and left. Not a pretty site. So the option of doing it myself is out (got dizzy reading the links you posted).

So I'm looking about about $900 or less to have these things installed? I'll look into the Sinature Home Theater on Shepard place. Just around the corner from me there is a place called All Star Audio Video. Anyone heard good/bad about them?

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I'd charge you 75 per spkr for the labor provided you supply the spkr wire and 85 per if I provide. Call me at 832-423-5290 to touch bases on exactly what you are needing.

I've used this guy before (I recognize the phone number from his card). He used to do installs for Modia (very high end local home theater store) and he does really good work. Plus he is very tidy in all his connections. I called him in the morning and he did it the same day.

Edited by bababooey
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