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WTC7 - World Trade Center Building 7

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MIT Engineer Peter King Part 1

MIT Engineer Peter King Part 2

U.S. News & World Report - Best Engineering Schools 2009 - MIT ranked #1


"History is the set of lies agreed upon" - Napoleon

This is what is known as elephant dung:


A hat has been placed for reference.

...you just can't answer the question, can you?

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  • 3 months later...

Well I just read your first post and I can't believe these conspiracy theories are still going around. It's simple:

When a building burns for hours and hours, it is bound to collapse (especially when it's made of a steel frame).

That is why firefigters rush to office fires even though there's no one in them in the middle of the night, mainly so the building doesn't collapse. You need to lay off the wackjob conspiracy theories, you honestly don't know as much as I know when it comes to this no offense.

And if you'd like to talk about the whole "conspiracy" aspect:

(BTW I am a democrat if that has anything to do with anything)

- You know how many people would be involved, if the government killed 3,000 people that day? I cannot begin to give you that number and as you know the more people involved in a conspiracy, the more chances there are of it coming out. Like Enron or watergate, they had a couple people involved and still came out. And now its been 9 YEARS and still not a single famous engineer (and don't name Jones, he's a complete moron and I can explain why if you'd like) has come out and published an article about how the buildings fell "strangely"

- So the government killed 3,000 people to go to war right? Then howcome the government (who were the only people who knew about the terrorists) said that the terrorists weren't from Iraq (the place we foolishly invaded) but instead from Saudi Arabia! Why would the gov't say that when we are oil buddies with the Saudi's and instead invade Iraq, they could have just said the terrorists were from Iraq to complete their "perfect" conspiracy!

So if you have anymore conspiracy theories on 9/11 (ie holes in pentagon, WTC collapses, BBC, etc) I would be happy to disprove them. Like I said, with all due respect, the stance that you hold is absolutely moronic based on common sense.

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