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Improve your HAIFing experience with HAIF_wide


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Anyone who's been around HAIF more than a few months knows that I'm constantly tweaking things trying to make the HAIF experience better.

With that in mind, I introduce HAIF_wide.

Not everyone can have the latest kit from which to surf the web. But time and progress do march hand-in-hand. When HAIF started, more than 50% of people HAIFed on screens that were 640x480 or 800x600, and HAIF was tailored for that majority audience. Over time, many people upgraded to 1024x768 displays, and HAIF has been tailored for that audience for the last few years. Now even the 1024's are becoming a thing of the past.

Today, only 17% of people HAIF at 1024x768. 80% have larger screens. The remaining 3% are almost entirely on mobile devices and netbooks.

So, for the 80% who have larger screens, HAIF_wide might be just the thing for you. Simply put, it rearranges the elements at the top of the page so that they're aligned wide. The result is a better look, and slightly less scrolling. More importantly, when you hit the page, there's 90 pixels more content so you can see what's going on easier.

Here's what HAIF Regular (what you're probably using now) looks like:


And here's the same screen in HAIF_wide:


The difference is slight, but I think it's a major improvement in usability, and it will be the way I HAIF from now on.

If you have a really wide screen, HAIF_wide might look like this:


So, how do you get wide?

Look toward the bottom of any HAIF page and you'll see a drop-down box on the left side. The options are HAIF Regular and HAIF Wide. Simple as that.

Of course, to ditch HAIF banner ads altogether, there's always ad-free HAIF:


Those members who are currently surfing ad-free don't need to bother with the wide option. If you want to sign up for ad-free HAIF, just let me know. Unfortunately, our automated sign-up thingy is still not working but the company that makes the software promises (as it has since August) that it'll be ready "soon."

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