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Louisiana ferries

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I've ridden the Plaquemine and New Roads ones a bunch of times, and I think the one in NO to Algiers once. Ferries rock. We used to go water skiing at False River all the time, and on the way back to Baton Rouge sometimes we'd take the ferry (when not towing the boat) just to switch things up. I think it is free in one direction, forgot which one.

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I've taken the New Orleans to Algiers ferry a couple of times. It's nice. In terms of size and safety, pretty much the same as TXDOT's Bolivar fleet.

I love small ferries. Something about them feels dangerous. When I used to live in Cincinnati, I'd take the Anderson ferrysometimes. It handles about five cars and looks like a floating junk pile.


I've seen a couple of ferries that only hold one or two cars at a time, but for some reason can't recall where.

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I've seen a couple of ferries that only hold one or two cars at a time, but for some reason can't recall where.

The kind with a rope across the water and you have to either pull it or someone cranks a big wheel? I have a picture in my head, not sure if it is real or from the first LOTR movie. Alabama is full of great technology like that.

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