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N. Korea Suspected in Cyber Attacks on USA & S. Korea


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A widespread computer attack that began July 4 knocked out the Web sites of the Treasury Department, the Secret Service and other U.S. government agencies, according to officials inside and outside the government.

Sites in South Korea were also affected, and South Korean intelligence officials believe the attack was carried out by North Korean or pro-Pyongyang forces.



Very interesting. It was done on a holiday weekend, so economic disruption was probably minimal. It would seem that they just want to show what they're capable of, not unlike the missile launches. Still, at what point does an attack like this constitute a declaration of open hostilities?

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How... in God's name... is North Korea able to cause so much trouble in the world. They are one of the poorest, most isolated countries on Earth! They barely have enough money for food and yet they have money to build nuclear bombs and commit cyber attacks! :wacko:

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Htown: North Korea has money, it's just that Kim Jong-il chooses to spend it on his military and his extravagant luxuries.

Yea, I know... it's still crazy, though. They just remind me of some bratty little kid who screams and smashes things just for attention... you want to just go up and smack the kid in the face but then you would get in trouble and it's just not worth it... but man how much would you just like to slap the crap out of that kid! :wacko:

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It apparently wasn't a very popular move to start this thread, but I think that the question bears serious consideration. When do their hostile actions nullify the cease-fire or constitute a renewed declaration of war against us? It'd be a dark day, especially for S. Korea.

I'm concerned over where this could be going, especially on account of that any sign of weakness on our part will probably be met with increasingly hostile actions on their part if they know that that strategy gives them a perception of leverage in negotiations over economic and trade issues. Moreover, to the extent that they're able to use that leverage, we enable them to gain further resources which get allocated to the tried and true method of militaristic bullying. It seems like a potential slippery slope.

On the other hand, if we increase force strength along the border and send additional carrier groups into that region, the act of standing up to such a small country with the threat of overwhelming force probably would cause them to sit down and shut up. ...but it's also a very risky move when dealing with an unstable dictator. And it puts allies like S. Korea and Japan in a very precarious position.

I'm not trying to play the part of a hawk or a dove, I just am curious over where this is all headed.

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