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Screw The Ttc. This Is Worse!


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April 29, 2005


CONTACT: Linda Stall 979.968.8855 / 512.784.6539 / lindastall@corridorwatch.org


Organizers are anticipating hundreds will gather at the state Capitol Tuesday morning (May 3, 2005) to protest the Trans-Texas Corridor, the conversion of state highways into toll roads, and to support a House Bill that would delay both for two years.

A grassroots group calling itself, Citizens Against the Trans-Texas Corridor, has planned the rally for 11:00 am on the South Lawn of the Capitol. Participants are expected to arrive by bus and private vehicles from both rural and urban communities across the state.

Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn's office has confirmed that the Comptroller will participate in the rally and address the protesters.

Houston Representative Garnet Coleman, author of House Bill 3363, will address supporters of the bill that if becomes law would require a two year moratorium on the Trans-Texas Corridor project and provide the opportunity for further public debate.

Several other state officials are slated to participate in the rally along with County Judges and Commissioners from some of the twenty counties that have adopted Resolutions opposing the Trans-Texas Corridor.

Joining in support of the rally are other statewide groups including CorridorWatch.org an organization with members in 149 counties.

We intend to demonstrate to our elected officials that a significant number of voters share very serious concerns about the Trans-Texas Corridor and the horrific impact it will have on our state, says CorridorWatch co-founder Linda Stall of Fayetteville. Now is the time to heed that warning and slow down the rush to build something that so few understand and yet so many will suffer the consequences of.

Without legislative action this session, the Texas Department of Transportation is scheduled to sign a 50-year comprehensive development agreement for the first 600-mile segment of the Trans-Texas Corridor, a massive toll road, rail and utility project.

# # #


Citizens Against the Trans-Texas Corridor

Heidi Ullrich, heidi@u-niqueevents.com, 512.585.3110



Linda Stall, lindastall@corridorwatch.org, 512.784.6539

David Stall, davidstall@corridorwatch.org, 512.791.4628



List of counties reported to CorridorWatch.org as having taken a formal position to oppose the Trans-Texas Corridor as of April 27, 2005:

Blanco County

Bosque County

Edwards County

Falls County

Fayette County

Gillespie County

Hill County

Kendall County

Kimble County

Lee County

Limestone County

McCulloch County

McLennan County

Mason County

Menard County

Milam County

Navarro County

Real County

Waller County

Wharton County

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That is just crap! Did you see San Diego charges $8 to drive during rush hour? GOOD GOD! Hello, some people don't have a choice...

As for the TTC, here's what I think about that :angry:

And any enthusiasm I have for Bush is eroded every time I see crap like this!

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hoo-wee, I hope so!! :) That's a lot of bread every month. I wonder if companies in San Diego have transportation subsidies they give to their employees? Most Texas Med Center places do but MD Anderson's sucks big time...hubby gets around $30 a month to ride the Park-n-Ride and that's it. :(

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The above link is to a story that I think will concern any worred about tolling interstates.

No doubt, we're in a very dangerous time right now in terms of tolling. Of course, Governor Rick Perry and his toll henchman are by far the most agressive in the country in terms of trying to toll freeways. If the federal government encourages them, watch out, we could be in big trouble here in Texas. TxDOT's toll policy so far has been to impose very high tolls, even if the facility is already paid for. In fact, Texas will likely become the most expensive state to drive in.

Unfortunately, this toll policy is a very Republican thing to do. Adhere to a "no tax increase" policy, then turn around and hit citizens with a fee that is going to be far more costly and also less efficient. With Rick Perry in office until at least the end of 2006 and Bush around until Jan 2009, things could get ugly.

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A BIG Texas Thank You to everyone that was able to attend the Capitol Rally!

The Citizen

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1-2-3-4, we don't want no cor-ri-dor!

Pineda, I think I saw you on the Waco news last night.

Seriously, I don't know anything about Ms. Strayhorn, but something tells me that she doesn't hate the TTC as a bad idea as much as she hates the TTC because it's Perry's idea. I think she would end up proposing something similar if she was in office--maybe smaller cale--but similar. But then again, maybe that's the cynic in me talking.

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