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Is There An Architecture Critic In The House?


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There are a few of you HAIF members and some of you lurkers who eat, sleep and drink architecture. Some of you have degrees and are well spoken.

Houston lacks an architecture critic. Our local paper(s) fail to recognize the value of analyzing our built environment. Although the Houston Chronicle has recently shown promise in this area, "Cite" is the only other periodical of note.

This brings me to the point of this thread:

Our distinguished editor has made it known that there are blogger slots still available. I move that a HAIF member or lurker with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Architecture honor us with their above average opinions and critiques on existing and recently completed structures in and around Houston.

This could strengthen our burgeoning website and bring our collective conversation to a higher level. The right person could increase readership of HAIF.

Any takers? Contact the editor.

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