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Fantasy Commuter Rail Idea (with Map)


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Here is my fantasy commuter rail...BrazosTrack!

Running several times every day, it makes its rounds. Most of the rail between McGregor and Waco is on the St. Louis Southwestern RR, some of which is already abandoned, but would be rebuilt.

The Hempstead station is just off US-84 and a short distance from Amtrak.

The Waco station is on Orchard Lane.

Marlin's station is off of Bennett Street.

The Hearne station is technically in Valley Junction. You can see the proposed site here

The College Station station is off of Luther St. E...not very far away from the original Amtrak. Luther St. E will be rebuilt and go under the railroad to Luther W.

Hempstead's station is on the non-railroad side, but a pedestrian bridge links it over to the train stop. (http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Hempstead&sll=30.658588,-96.410522&sspn=0.352037,0.600128&ie=UTF8&ll=30.084524,-96.04513&spn=0.005533,0.009377&t=k&z=17)

Then its finally Houston, which ends on the Katy. Shuttle service is provided to the Amtrak and the Airport.

The download is right here: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=b848aef...04e75f6e8ebb871

It is a KMZ and works for Google Earth.

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