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Virtual Budapest

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Cool link! It's funny how you frame Bupapest/Prague/Paris. I was in Prague in '98 for 2 days, and honestly don't remember much except the great beer houses, and it was cheaper and far cooler than Paris, but already getting overrun by irritating Americans who had 'discovered' it. I bet you're right--Budapest is the new Prague, filling up a litttle more each summer with fat American tourists. I really would like to go. I like river cities, and am a sucker for castles and medieval tourist crap. Plus my BF is of Hungarian descent, only the second generation in the US. He'll like this link a lot.

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Thanks for linking us in Houston Architecture forum. Yes, you are right the concept of our site is a bit similar to Google's streetview, however we take panoramic images manually and build the tour with our self developed Virtual tour builder application. We provide interiors of buildings besides street images and we have several small flash applications integrated with our tour (like falling leaves, always right tower clocks, popup images etc). We have improved our caching algorithm yesterday significantly, so waiting time between panoramas should be reduced. Note that the site is currently on a Hungarian server which means that it has lower bandwidth available than its West-European counterparts. We will add newer panoramas very soon, churches of Pest with the main synagogue are to come.


Csaba Leg

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