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RIP: radioHAIF


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Sorry to once again be the bearer of bad tidings, but radioHAIF is going off the air.


Like everything else these days, blame it on the economy. I've had three important advertisers go out of business in the last two weeks, and I have to cut back anywhere I can, and fast.

Not that radioHAIF had advertisers. It didn't. The audio stream was part of the overall community building exercise that is HAIF. In a way it was working. radioHAIF averaged about 80 listener hours per month. That means people out there were listening to the station about two and a half hours a day. I think that's pretty good. But, it isn't free to run. There are monthly fees that have to be paid that I simply cannot afford right now. Hopefully in the future when things get better I can bring back a better, stronger, louder radioHAIF.

I know I've complained about the financial state of the web site before, and this message isn't intended to be another one of those complaints. This isn't a solicitation for money. Keep your cash. I just want to explain to those who were listeners why it's going away. If you want to help HAIF, then keep visiting; keep reading messages; keep posting new messages; keep starting new threads; and keep telling your relatives and neighbors about us. We have a nice little community here, and I'm confident that it will be able to weather this economic storm.

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