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HAIF PotD: Fisheye in the Metro Rail


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You mean it's not just derelicts and freaks who ride public transit? Normal looking business people and students use it to get around? Inconceivable!

This must not have been taken at rush hour. My wife told me that to save money, she tried taking the Mission Bend P&R for $1.00 instead of the Kingsland P&R at $3.50. The Mission Bend P&R drops off at the Wheeler Red Line Station. She said the standing room crowds of people rudely pushing each other to get on and off the bus, then the same for the train made her glad she had first experienced the more polite line forming crowds of the Kingsland P&R. She said that otherwise, she would just rather drive and pay everyday all in an effort to avoid that experience again.

All my train rides have been non-rush hour and were enjoyable.

EDIT: After looking at the picture again, I notice that it was taken in the Medical Center - which might be a contributing factor to it not looking like a zoo, if it was taken at rush-hour.

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