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Galveston Mayor Takes on Chron

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03:01 PM in Current Events

Houston, you have a credibility problem

By Michael A. Smith

Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas and editorial writers at the Houston Chronicle traded shots in that newspaper this week over development.


Edited by J.A.S.O.N.
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03:01 PM in Current Events

Houston, you have a credibility problem

By Michael A. Smith

Galveston Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas and editorial writers at the Houston Chronicle traded shots in that newspaper this week over development.


Yeah, a lot of the people in Rita traffic were Houstonians. (I was not one, BTW..I don't do traffic on an elective basis). Yes many of the west-enders are Houstonians. However, note to Lyda Ann, The Galveston Daily News, BOI's, beach-buying Houstonians and others: Don't ask other Texans to bail out Galveston property owners through taxes, when property on the west end (and maybe in "Disney Village" on the east end) disappears into the Gulf as tends to happen on barrier islands. Such a claim is contrary to the exisiting riparian laws of Texas.

Insurance premiums shouldn't pay for it either. In fact, I suggest the Legislature look at making insurance carriers carry special bonds with TDI to write policies for new developments on shoals like Galveston and other Gulf Coast strips.

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I remember reading the Chron editorial. It also celebrated the fact that some of her cronnies losing the recent election.

She's dead-on about the "nimrods" in Houston and their premature evacuation. I said the same thing before.

Those people...you know who you are!

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I remember reading the Chron editorial. It also celebrated the fact that some of her cronnies losing the recent election.

She's dead-on about the "nimrods" in Houston and their premature evacuation. I said the same thing before.

Those people...you know who you are!

We on the mainland left on Thursday when we were supposed to (Zone 3). It took my family 28 hours just to get to Kingwood. We were trying for Shreveport, but didn't quite make it. There were alot of "nimrods" on the freeway all around us. It was quite a unnerving experience, making one look helpless in front of your family. The same family members that usually depend on you for correct instructions during such emergencies. I won't evacuate again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know but someone named Lyda probably needs a cane, i.e., Lydacaine. :lol:

Galveston should never have attitude about Houston. Without Houston, picture Galveston as Sabine Pass. :P

But I don't go down there much anymore ... I love the island but I seem to find things to do in this huge, unbridled growth, unzoned outpost with my closest 2.2 million friends.

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I'm pretty sure the "pot calling the kettle black, therefore we're immune from such criticism from them" response is a fallacy. If it's bad to develop on the West End, then it's bad to develop on the West End. It does not even matter who's "driving the development." Is Galveston Island truly helpless in the face of the prospect of making money from Houstonians? If that's really the case then I feel bad for such Galvestonians who evidently do not have much to hope for.

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  • 2 months later...

I've lived in Galveston for 10 years, when I evacuated my family for Rita, we left at 1pm, 5 hours before the mandatory evacuation time and the day before the traffic jam in Houston.

We were going to my mom's in Jackson, Mississippi, we went to the ferry and it was only half full. No one was using it to evacuate, I couldn't believe it. We made it in normal time, 9 hours, arriving at 10pm.

I woke up the next morning and turned CNN on and saw Wolf Blitzer reporting about the Houston traffic at a complete stand still.

By the way, the day of the traffic jam my daughter (lives in Spring), had to go to Austin that day for her Massage Therapy exam. Normally a 2 hour drive took her 6 hours that day. She passed thank god.

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More like Angela Lansbury.

Yes, she is a 'Drama Queen'. And she loves the national lime light. After geting a taste of it after hurricane Rita she convinced her very pliable council back then to hire her her own PR firm [owned by her very close friend] That is 25K/yr of public money to promote her highness.

That's the troble with our matronly Mayor. Too much pride, not enough 'noblesse oblige'.

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