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Big Ugly Builder Signs

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So, I notice the signs coming down (hallelujah).

In fact, we are taking care of our own little corner. We are so sick of all the builder signs in front of our subdivision. Our neighborhood has been built out for 8 years and yet we have all these signs around our walls, while the new neighborhoods that are being advertised have no signs junking up their property.

We finally contacted Walgreens and they have given our HOA permission to go on to their corner lot that is adjacent to our subdivision at our discretion to keep it cleaned up and they have specifically stated in writing they have not authorized any off-premise signage and that we can remove all signs at will.

Unfortunately, we have had one builder employee get really nasty with us, and he has made the following claims:

...that ANYone can legally place signs on county property without a permit as long as it is not in the ROA or easement, and

...that because Walgreens only posted "no trespassing" signs and did not post "private property" signs, he could legally presume the private property was not private and was county property. And as a result, neither property owner, nor agents of the property owner, have the right to remove his sign.

I have never heard of such nonsense. His claims defy logic...he is basically stating that the rights of the property owner are trumped by the rights of a builder.

I've dug through the Houston Sign Code which also governs unincorporated Harris County and all I can find is that off-premise signs are no longer legal. A three year exception which expires permanently on 12/3/2009 permits off-premise signs related to real estate sales or rentals...BUT, they must be no bigger than 40 square feet and must be spaced 100 feet apart. And they must be within 800 feet of the 'business/commercial activity' and NOT in a predominately residential area. And they must have a permit with the City of Houston Sign Administration.

Based on the above it seems we have ALOT of big ugly builder signs in our area (Cypress...Telge/SC Road/290) that are out of compliance! I understand County Attorney Mike Stafford is suing Royce and Espree homes over their illegally placed signs on Grant Road, so I am encouraged! I also understand citizens can email photos of violations to the County Attorney and they will investigate and issue citations.

Sorry for the vent...but I HATE signs. (My husband calls me "Bird" and starts humming the FiveManElectricalBand number "Signs", just to get me going....lol!)

Edited by brigantes
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Good work. I applaud your efforts.

I'd also like to to see the ramshackle mini billboards taken down that have popped up by the Airport next to Carl's BBQ on 290.

A lot of those are signs for flight schools and various activities at the airport...those probably won't be coming down....

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I just noticed all those signs near the airport today. Pretty unsightly...some for flight schools, but many are those BUBS. If they don't have a permit, those off-premise signs are illegal. I don't see how they could be permitted since they don't meet spacing requirements.

Just noticed someone came and hauled away the big pile of signs we chopped near our neighborhood. One more sign to go and the lot will be cleared. (That one is 100% in the easement/row and we have to let the county attorney handle it. But, word is the sign owner will take it down in the next few days to avoid being cited and fined.) Next volunteer task will be to take axes to the stumps left in the ground.

Edited by brigantes
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