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The new (2008) Texas tourism ads


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I just saw one of the new Texas Tourism TV ads for the first time.

It's a lot less yee-haw and a lot more Santa Fe than previous years. The snarling cowboy narrator is gone, as is "It's like a whole other country" and the other slogans we're used to.

The commercial seems to be more directed at young urbanites who would get a kick out of touring southwestern art museums and bars. Most of the visuals are San Antonio, specifically the riverwalk and some bars. A "Lavaca Street" sign is very prominent.

Also shown is a roller coaster, which I assume is either Dallas or San Antonio. There's also a minor league baseball park.. again, this could be San Antonio.

The only thing I saw that wasn't San Antonio is the closing shot which is Main Street in Houston, at night -- the block with Dean's Credit Clothing. But it's deserted, and is up for quite a few seconds since it's the background for the more information slide. You'd think they could have used a shot of it when it was at least busy, or with the train going through or something.

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