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Gay Districts

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If all homosexuals remain with their same-sex partner, then hypothetically, wouldn't they last only one generation? Throw in drugs & disease, and wouldn't they dissappear that much more quickly?

You know, one might think that, but given the number of gay and lesbian couples I know that in the last five years have had kids through artificial insemination and using a surrogate mother, the human race wouldn't die out. We're a pretty creative bunch. We'd find a way to keep it going. :)

And I'm glad you didn't take offense to my post. I didn't think you would but you never know on here. I just wanted to get my thoughts on you're using the word "choice" out there since I'm on the other side of this particular issue. And like you, I do look down on high risk sexual behavior and all drug use. That's why I'm doing what I can to help curb some of that before we lose a big chunk of an entire generation before their time.

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If all homosexuals remain with their same-sex partner, then hypothetically, wouldn't they last only one generation? Throw in drugs & disease, and wouldn't they dissappear that much more quickly?

Lol, this statement confuses me. To Me, it implies that homosexuals beget homosexuals. Yet at the same time your saying that they can't for obvious biological reasons.

I mean I guess I'm saying that say, hypothetically, all gays fell over dead right now, I'm sure it would just be a generation before there were just as many again. (unless the shock of seeing all those people fall over suddenly.. ummm.. scared everyone straight.. hehe sorry couldnt resist)

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Now, I'm not going to argue with you about your "creative ways" of continuation, but I do have to disagree with those methods. I don't think any amount of debate between the two of us would change each others minds either. smile.gif

That's probably very true. We'll just respectfully agree to disagree. As for me I do hope to one day have children after I'm no longer single, but they'll likely be adopted.

Its a sort of paradox isn't it? Basically homosexuals rely on heterosexuals for procreation. Well, this was true up until about 20 years ago when artificial insemination became mainstream. Now, for the first time, who knows?!? :huh:

So far the research is showing that biological children of homosexual parents are statistically no more likely to be gay than those of heterosexual parents. Same thing with children adopted by gay couples.

Keep in mind that gay people having children is not new. There have always been, and still are, many closeted gay men and women living in (often unhappy) heterosexual marriages who have had children through the normal methods. There are also a lot of kids out there with a gay parent who was in a heterosexual marriage at the time the child was conceived, but that parent later came out and got out of that relationship.

I mean I guess I'm saying that say, hypothetically, all gays fell over dead right now, I'm sure it would just be a generation before there were just as many again. (unless the shock of seeing all those people fall over suddenly.. ummm.. scared everyone straight.. hehe sorry couldnt resist)

LOL. Reminds me of a saying I heard once about all the gay people one day waking up with purple skin and how everyone else would be totally shocked to see how many of their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, neighbors, teachers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, preachers, nurses, firefighters, police officers, professional athletes, etc. with purple skin.

But back to evolution, people of non-heterosexual orientation have been around as long as we've got recorded history. And there's a lot of evidence of it in animals as well. So if there wasn't an evolutionary reason for some people to not be heterosexual, I think by now we'd all be straight. The fact is, whether it be a certain genetic combination of chromosomes, hormone levels in the womb during pregnancy, or one of several other promising theories, some people are going to fall into a minority group when it comes to sexual orientation.

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tw2ntyse7en, I too grew up in a racially charged area -- rural Southeast Texas isn't all that different than Southwest Louisiana on that issue -- and I know that kids have to be taught to hate. I was also in the minority of kids who were being raised by open minded parents who made sure that we understood that a person's skin color had nothing to do with that person's intelligence or quality as a human being.

As for gay couples having children, there was a time when I actually agreed with your position. I'm not saying it's not a challenge for kids to grow up in a household with two same sex parents. But I also see the other side here, where children are being raised in wonderful, loving homes by parents who sometimes went through hell and a lot of major expenses to create that family. Those children are so loved, and they know it. And they are surrounded by other families - both gay and straight - who are supportive of them. Sure those kids may occassionally run into another kid who has been taught to be hateful by his or her parents, but every child has that experience, regardless of who their parents are. And I don't think the hardship created on the child being raised by a same sex couple is any worse than a child being raised in a single parent home, or a child being raised in a home where there is domestic abuse, or a child being raised in a home by parents of different races. The fact is that some kids are just bullies, and every child unfortunately encounters them at some point growing up. And those bullies will find a reason to pick on other kids one way or another. Having gay parents may give a bully an easy excuse to be hateful, but if that same child had heterosexual parents, the bully would easily find another reason to pick on him or her. I grew up in a family with two heterosexual parents who are still married after nearly 37 years, but that in no way prevented me from being picked on by other kids at times growing up. But even when I had difficult times as a kid, I knew I had a family that loved me and a home that was safe to go back to at the end of the day. A lot of kids with straight parents don't even have that, but many kids with gay parents do.

Sure, others may consider me selfish for wanting to be a father at some point in the future. But how is that any more selfish than if I was married to a woman and wanted to have a child? And how is wanting to provide a loving, stable, supportive environment for a family selfish? To me it's not the least bit selfish; for me it's harder to see a greater act of love and generosity toward another person than adopting a child into a stable family environment.

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I concede :)

(I still feel the same, but I'm bowing out gracefully ;))

Haha. Well I wasn't trying to win or anything here - just wanted to post my thoughts just as you were posting yours. I think it's always important to see both sides of an issue and to try understand why people on the other side feel the way they do. And I do respect your opinion (even though I may disagree) as I hope you respect mine (even though you disagree with it).

And down the road if our kids end up in school together, just make sure your kid knows it's not right to beat up on my kid for having two Dads. :D

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