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Plant Nurseries Near East End

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I'm lucky enough to have an huge old pecan tree in my backyard.

My grandmother lived over on Truett near Dismuke and had a very successful Fig tree in her backyard. According to my Mom they used to be all over the place in this area.

This Angel's Trumpet thing sounds intruiging, if they can help to ward off mosquitos, how do they do in moderate shade?

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I was surprised to see how neat orange trees look around here. :o

However, I tried tasting one and it was not so good at all. So I guess for the ornaments sake they are Ok? The birds should love em?

Lemon trees smell very nice too but oh man, those sharp needles draw bood. :angry:

My mother has an orange tree, the oranges are very good.. :P

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I'm lucky enough to have an huge old pecan tree in my backyard.

My grandmother lived over on Truett near Dismuke and had a very successful Fig tree in her backyard. According to my Mom they used to be all over the place in this area.

This Angel's Trumpet thing sounds intruiging, if they can help to ward off mosquitos, how do they do in moderate shade?

You will adore Angel's Trumpet. Remember, although it is beautiful to see and has a very nice fragrance even at night, it is supposed to be pousinous, do a Google. I have seen 2 types white with a light pink ting on edge & yellow. I once saw one in Galveston strand district I think it was Post Office street and that one wa so tall and huge it was like what in tarnation? It actually cascaded over an arbor over the sidewalk. I hadnt seen anyhting that colorful & awesome since I was in West coast beach areas. That nursery we mentioned way up above has them and not expensive either. Palms Nursery near Baybrook Mall. I have several I can give you but dont know ya. I bet if I placed some in Bags on curb they would vanish quick! Very easy to grow too. Ours is about 2 ft wide and makes a constant abundance of bells (trumpets) especially after a good rain! It has soooo many it tilts from the weight, serious! :P

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Angel's Trumpet is closely related to Datura & was until recently considered in the same genus. Both plants are hallucinogenic & toxic. Check out your Golden Guide to Hallucinogenic Plants! (Or find a scanned copy on the internet; the publisher let that valuable little book go out of print.) A quite "experienced" friend was fond of warning everybody she met about ingesting Jimson Weed--a Datura variety. Even if you avoid death, it's apparently the very worst trip imaginable.

However, Angel's Trumpet is a lovely plant & does well in the area--even out of the East End. Do keep it away from little kids & animals.

We've been living with oleanders for a long time & they are probably more toxic.

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Just like other types of plants, oranges come in all sorts of varieties and tastes. I'm hoping our orange tree is good.

The other day I took some pictures of fruits growing near my house, they're here: House stuff and flowers and stuff

Has anyone ever been able to have an avocado tree that beared avocados and they were tasty like at the grocer? :huh:

and if you did how tall was it before it started making some?

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