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Great Editorial From The NY Times In Today's Chron


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This is so true. This country would be in such a better place right now if more people would wake up, use their brains, and THINK! It's really sad that intellectualism and critical thinking have fallen by the wayside in this country.


Feb. 14, 2005, 7:33PM

Little room for the likes of Arthur Miller anymore

His hard questions may die with the playwright


Arthur Miller, in his autobiography, Timebends, quoted the great physicist Hans Bethe as saying, "Well, I come down in the morning and I take up a pencil and I try to think."

It's a notion that appears to have gone the way of the rotary phone. Americans not only seem to be doing less serious thinking lately, they seem to have less and less tolerance for those who spend their time wrestling with important and complex matters.

If you can't say it in 30 seconds, you have to move on. God made man, and the godless evolutionists are on the run. Donald Trump ("You're fired!") and Paris Hilton ("That's hot!") are cultural icons. Ignorance is in. The nation is at war, and its appetite for torture may be undermining the very essence of the American character, but the public at large seems much more interested in what Martha will do when she gets out of prison and what Jacko will do if he has to go in.

Miller's death last week meant more than the loss of an outstanding playwright. It was the loss of a great public thinker who believed strongly, as Archibald MacLeish had written, that the essence of America

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Arthur Miller's plays always depressed the ____ out of me but definately got me thinking.

What a coincidence that his most rarely performed play, After the Fall, was just at the Alley last week. Good show.

The Crucible will be playing Feb. 25 through March 20th. They are also having a special screening of Death of a Salesman on the 21st.

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