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Houston / Dallas fan

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I feel sorry for anyone who wears his assessment of his home as a cesspool as a badge.

I don't know what part of Houston you call home, but I don't live in a gritty cesspool. I live in a vibrant city, where I can afford a nice lifestyle ans am afforded many amenities for ejoying that lifestyle.

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I feel sorry for anyone who wears his assessment of his home as a cesspool as a badge.

I don't know what part of Houston you call home, but I don't live in a gritty cesspool. I live in a vibrant city, where I can afford a nice lifestyle ans am afforded many amenities for ejoying that lifestyle.

Me too. I don't really believe this city is a cess-pool of anykind - I was just poking fun to the perceived image that is attached to Houston. Whether true or not or simply exageration, that is what many outsiders believe our city is like. I make fun of it now because it keeps me from getting so defensive about it. (I used to be that way, defending Houston against her ney-sayers to the point of being rediculous). I do believe, however, that there is quite a bit more grit here. And I kinda' like it to be honest with you. The whole East End for example. You would be hard pressed to find another city that offers such a massive concentration of industrial grit and the undeniable feeling of "city" as that place. It's beautiful in a Drakonian sense. It's almost art to me. When things are too cleansed, planned, and predictable, it just gets a little boring. But hey, that's just me.

On a more positive note, has anyone seen that Arby's commercial with the river-dancing Monkey's?

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There is a clear difference in the 2 cities. You can feel it. Austin, Houston, and Dallas all feel different. There is a different attitude in all 3 cities. Trying to apply a wholesale change in categories - like U.S. cities versus European cities
Edited by TxDave
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