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Street Of Dreams, Or Highway To Hell


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Recently in the HAI forum, a new thread was started called "Westheimer Makeover". Without even reading the first post, I already knew my answer: "yes".

Within hours the thread became a "hot topic" among the regular posters, and even brought out some non-posting lurkers. The consensus was that we Houstonians, as a whole, agree that Westheimer needs a makeover - and STAT! I voiced my opinion that, next to the billboards on I-45, Westheimer was easily the second biggest eyesore to the city of Houston. The forum member who started the thread has only lived in Houston a few months, and was baffled how the most traveled & shopped street in the city is in such bad shape. Sure one might say, "Well, they (the city) just paved it a few years ago, and it looks fine. It is a smooth ride, after all.". However in most residents

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Westheimer Road, or FM1093 as it is formally called, is approximately 16 miles in distance, as the crow flies. The street begins at Bagby downtown, and ends at State Highway 6, where it becomes simply FM1093. The first 5 miles, beginning at Bagby, heads west to I-610. This section of Westheimer is as old as the city itself. It is at most a 4 lane paved street with a turn lane in the center at certain points throughout. It is home to various famous & historical landmarks, schools, universities, churches & neighborhoods. From it's beginning at Bagby to about Shepherd you can find anything from tattoo shops & thrift stores to 4 star gourmet restaurants, all next to each other. Beyond Shepherd to I-610 is the beginning of River Oaks, Houston's most prestige neighborhood. Westheimer becomes more of a Rodeo Dr., if you will, with exclusive boutique shopping experiences from the Upper Kirby Shopping District & the Highland Village Shopping Center.

The best part of Westheimer! (in my opinion ^_^ )

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