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Houston Praise From Dallas Radio

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I was driving to a meeting yesterday morning and was scanning the stations. Local radio station "The Bone" was talking about crime in Dallas and how it was on the upswing recently. They then began to mention how Houston had a mass influx of refugees after Katrina. Yes Houstons crime did increase, but if it was any other major city, the consequences of such an influx would have been devastating. They gave a huge kudos to the City of Houston, citizens, and the police department in a round about way. This topic is not meant to generate "my city is better than yours" at all. I just want everyone to know that we are Texans first, and should be proud of both cities.

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I was driving to a meeting yesterday morning and was scanning the stations. Local radio station "The Bone" was talking about crime in Dallas and how it was on the upswing recently. They then began to mention how Houston had a mass influx of refugees after Katrina. Yes Houstons crime did increase, but if it was any other major city, the consequences of such an influx would have been devastating. They gave a huge kudos to the City of Houston, citizens, and the police department in a round about way. This topic is not meant to generate "my city is better than yours" at all. I just want everyone to know that we are Texans first, and should be proud of both cities.

Rock on. I agree

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Well, the situation certainly could have been handled better initially (like, during the first six months of the sudden increase in population, particuarly when you consider that crime was already starting to go up before Katrina. I'm sure others here will chime in to point out the mistakes by the mayor, the chief and so forth--and mistakes have been made--but there's also been some initiatives put in place that have helped root out some notorious drug dealers and gang elements from the city who had populated a lot of SW Houston and West Side apartment complexes. I mean, cats who should've been in jail before they even left Louisiana--before Katrina even happened. Then, there's also the element that has depopulated the city because it's actually more advantageous for them to return to NOLA to do their dirt.

Stats show crime decreasing from this time last year so we'll see how it goes from here.

The city still has a serious on-street patrol unit deficit right now and progress towards helping the department grow in this regard has been slow to almost non-existent.

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Was it during the Walton and Johnson radio show? Because they're based out of Houston.

Honestly, I never listen to "The Bone". I just happened to be flipping through stations when I heard them talking about Houston. I know it was 2 guys and one sidekick (I think).

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Yeah, I used to work for the Ticket, a sister station to the Bone, and the only show that fits that description is the Walton and Johnson show, which is based out of Houston. Doesn't demerit their point, but does give it some perspective.

Wow, really? I listen to the Ticket everyday. I remember they were kinda throwing some cheap shots Houston's way during the Super Bowl, but were impressed by the Aquarium restaurant :blush:

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