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Everything posted by sinister1

  1. WTF? I was driving down Little York and where the Flea Market was at near 59 is a Supermarket named "La Tienda" or something, that freaking place is huge.

  2. It feels nice out side, just wish it wouldn't rain.

  3. So I get a message and it says that Elizabeth Marie Moreno poked me.... :| Hum, WTF? LOL.

  4. Fell asleep around 5 and woke up at 9 now I can't go to sleep... : /

  5. Okay, now I'm board, It's cold out and I'm inside trying to watch T.V. and they are showing stupid football...Agg.

  6. Cool, thanks I know I can always count on you guys. I had hit a dead end so I'm guessing that Jones drugs was the second building the one across the street from it?
  7. I want to say that Jones and Richard's were two different drugstores but could be wrong, the one below is what I think was Jones Drugstore.
  8. A Plea to my all my friendsand peoples who know me.Please stop calling me nigga.1. I'm not a nigga.2. It's a bad word.3. It makes you sound stupid.4. Mexicans should not use that word.5. Show some respect.

  9. Oh my God, I remember Batman. We always use to ask my dad to drive by there just to see him. One day we didn't see him any more and have been wondering what happened to him.
  10. The Picture below is what is thought to be location of the former drug store. The name of the Drug store in question was Richard's First Ward Drug Store then changed to Jones Drug Store some time later. If you know of this please share.
  11. Will this rain ever stop?

  12. I needed a good laugh, Thank you God for TMZ.

  13. Happy Thanks Giving every one.

  14. The Simpsons are on.

  15. How lame can you get? I'm at home paying bills, thousand dollars!

  16. I saw all those people in line at the flying sauser and I was like WTF? Seriously like there aren't any other pie places on the planet.

  17. Cool I looked it up on Hairball and they are going to renovate it. Thanks guys, I would pass it up and be like, " I wonder what that building use to be"? I knew I came to the right place for answers.
  18. So I turn the T.V. on and turn it to Fox 26 to catch some Cartoons and they are showing freaking Socker...WTF? Are you for reals? No mamen.

  19. Bitches trip me out, they claim that they ain't hoes and that they have class but have like 5 boy friends and 2 baby daddy's and always want to go out dressed like hoocies, delicate flower please, you call that class?

  20. Cool, do you have any photos you could share px4man?
  21. Who knows what this use to be? It's just off of Lyons Avenue, just on the other side of Ryon's Addition in the Fifth Ward. http://i861.photobucket.com/albums/ab171/djsoss1980/UnknonwtheateronLyonsAve.jpg
  22. :( I was supposed to have gone out last night but fell asleep.

  23. My kids are not coming over this week end so what's going down tonight? Hit me up.

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