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  1. Speaking of Christmas displays, I can remember when the downtown (the only one at the time!) Foley's had that huge, curved glass display window between the front doors. It turned magical for Christmas, with their annual Christmas toy display. Of course, to a young boy, the most fascinating thing of all in that window was the trains. They always had an amazing setup of Lionel and Marx electric trains, the tracks winding their way around, through, under and even over the other toys. Several trains traveled those tracks, sometimes almost magically suspended in mid-air by hair-thin wires and delicate custom-built piers that allowed the tracks to sway gently as the train passed over them. Amazing... I could watch those trains for hours on end.
  2. I remember the original Britain's Broiler Burger, on Westheimer where Greenbriar ended. This was in the middle to late 50s. It was a favorite place for me, since it had a sheltered outside seating area, surrounded by a low concrete and rough stone wall, with some of the stonework (!!) tables and seats positioned such that they were hidden from view, both from casual glances from the street, and also from the pickup window. This made it a prime location for stopping after school with your "steady", getting a Coke and a burger, and indulging in a little surreptitious necking before walking home. They also had a little four-horse carousel for the kiddies to spin around on after they had eaten! Originally, it spun at a pretty good clip, but they slowed it down after they had to clean up too many spit-ups! Does anyone remember the brouhaha when McDonald's wanted to start up in Houston? It seems there had already been a "McDonald's" - it was 50s-style drive-in, complete with carhops, and was owned by a local family. By the time the national chain wanted to come in, the "original" place had closed, but the family still owned the local rights to the name! Ol' Mickey D had to shell out a lot of money to them to be able to erect their Golden Arches in Houston!
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