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Status Updates posted by Materene

  1. Do Not Purchase anything made in Mexico, Do Not Hire anyone from Mexico, Do Not Visit Mexico...............Until the American is released .... period no if's an's or but's shut them down financially , if this ass hat from kenya can't take care of business then we can. Share the message with as many as you can

  2. Knee has really been bothering me later this afternoon, maybe it was the sudden weather swing where the afternoon shower started to fall again. It sure made a difference and I was taking a little lie down after the rain with it still being a bit cloudy out, it got so cool in the entire place I had to pull the covers over me, the dog snuggled up real close and I actually fell asleep for about an hour then got up and ate a bite. I was beginning to think my front air was getting lazy but appar...

  3. What a Joke, these liberals are now saying that Brady died of a homicide, really, do these silly people think we're all ignorant. The man was old and died of natural causes and these slime balls are still using this guy as an attack on our constitutional rights to bear and own arms, go straight to hell lawyers this one ain't going to fly. Too damned many lawyers in this country and we need to cap the number of licenses, they have criminalized every last thing we do as humans. I hate a lawyer.

  4. The kenyan says he's the commander in chief, what a joke, this POS is so inept he has done nothing but endanger the entire country and all the military people serving. He has our rules of engagement so screwed up I would refuse to ever ship to a combat zone for this asshole. A complete socialist idiot who not one American life is worth sacrificing for his stupidity and non American actions, he is once again a foreigner not born here, if he had been he would understand what it means to be Ame...

  5. Going to be a hot one today, I woke up because it was already getting warm in the bedroom and the front air was already on all night, it cycles during the evening hours and don't seem to put out the air like it did two summers ago when it was installed. The air feels cold but then while you're standing there at the counter you can feel it cycle and the cold air stops momentarily. I hate anything digital that is connected to high voltage things like air conditioners, they never will replace...

  6. I woke up today and longed to strengthen my mind and learn something I didn't know yesterday. A piece at a time.. a piece at a time, I think I accomplished that.

  7. It showered yea yea, now the roof is cooled down some, I hope it stays cloudy for the rest of the day. Had a nice chicken n rice dinner with green beans and corn and buttered bread, and now having my coffee. Just can't end a day better than this, well other than breathing. I wish I lived on the coast in Galveston, damn I wanted so bad to be living there by the time I reached this age. I remember as a kid selling newspaper subscriptions for the Houston Post, I went up the stairs of an ol...

  8. Amazing how friends and family all move away from the hometown eventually. It makes it so hard to find anyone after you lose touch. I was trying for a long time to find my cousin Donald and his wife Linda and always come up short, so I came up with another plan and did some tracking tonight of their son who wasn't very old the last time I saw him or his Father and Grandmother. His grandmother was really a very close friend of my grandmother but back in the 30s friendships had much more mea...

  9. Boy what a long day, must be the heat cause I haven't done anything but go to the store and PO and mop a front room, or should say half ass mop a front room. I know there has to be some rain out there somewhere, where is it when you really need it. Growing up we never owned an air conditioner, we had floor fans and window fans and attic fans, now that attic fan was cool but you had to be sure and not sleep too close to the window crack with your tongue sticking out or you would get tongue c...

  10. I just returned from doing some shopping and stopped at the PO on the way back, got a letter from the VA and they assigned me another Doctor.....! I haven't seen a doctor in over a year, this is the the third assignment for a primary care in that amount of time, now I didn't find that surprising since this is the normal flow from the VA in this state, but here is the ultimate insult, read closely....my new Doctor was named Vikaruddin Mohammed!! I was absolutely livid , my blood pressure spik...

  11. I have been halving one of my muscle relaxers for the past couple days to offset the not having any pain pills for my arthritis, I can tell when it kicks in because my entire body starts getting hot and sweating. I really don't think it does anything for the pain since it really isn't designed for pain, muscle relaxers do just that not kill pain. Got to go out and do some minor shopping this morning so maybe I'll have something in the PO box. It has been very hot here the past 48 hours, the...

  12. This afternoon a federal judge stepped in and told the IRS they have until Aug 10th to turn over all the names of people involved with this missing hard drive information, a comprehensive list of present me, he ain't Bullsh tting either and also placed another federal judge inside the IRS to see it is complied with. Some of these people are most likely going to jail before this is all over, they have committed serious felonies destroying evidence and even today it is disclosed this Lois del...

  13. While making my bed I was looking outside the window and I noticed a damned bottle rocket laying about 4 feet from my window. Now the grass was just cut two days prior to last night and it looks like hay laid over since it was so wet after all the rains and finally cut. This is what I worry about when these idiots get out there and fire off the fireworks in a area that is prone to fire because of the rain and recent cut grass. I look for these idiots to burn someones place down in the futu...

  14. The Nrlns race baiter Ray Nagin got 10 years for being a thief. Another lame judge that is probably as crooked as he is could have given him 20 years which he should have received for allowing the whole damned city to be destroyed. They lost 300 school buses because this ignorant piss ant couldn't give a simple order to move them all to the high freeway lanes where they at least wouldn't be under water, same with all the cities service vehicles. He is another fine example of someone voted...

  15. I find it so amusing that reid was so unhappy when the supreme court last week ruled in favor of Americans and not the tyrant kenyan with the Hobby Lobby decision. It enraged the ass hat reid so much he vowed they would re write statutes to go around the decision and force Hobby Lobby to do exactly what the court just said no to. What part of that doesn't this lawless tyrant understand. They are all guilty of felonies and this only shows how evil they really are, they live in an illusion a...

  16. Facebook is sick tonight, slow sluggish and non responsive. Lost post and missing replies still work ;0)

  17. Listening to Bill O Reilly tonight, got the bleeding heart liberal shrill eager to give away our country to anyone who wants to come in. These people are so lame and stupid it just goes beyond comprehension. What part does follow the law that these dumb people don't understand. All day now I've heard this recent spin calling the mass border crossing a humanitarian crisis, no it isn't you frigging morons, it's the result of this dumb ass liberal kenyan who don't give a damned about this cou...

  18. The Shreveport VA facility has just been caught having a 2400 name list of people that were not processed and some have not seen a doctor in 15 months. Hell yea let's all vote for these asshole liberals in charge. I am so tired of talking about the VA I don't even answer the emails from the local state rep. It does no good what so ever and until we vote all these thieving liberal sons a bitches out of office there will be nothing done but more stealing. In this list are 39 possible deaths...

  19. The POS has been on a fundraising tour now for 6 years, he's lost the mideast to terrorist, opened our borders to every country in the world, asking for more money to continue to build that liberal voting base with all these future liberal voters. When will America finally say it's enough and demand this asshole be impeached for the real crimes he's committed now on a daily basis. He should be on the FBIs 10 most wanted list and the first image. This guy is an outright felon pure and simpl...

  20. I was channel surfing while eating my dinner and somehow I stopped on CNN because it was a discussion on the Israeli conflict heating up now. I heard it said the Israelis were calling up some reserves and the situation is getting near a boil over. So while I ate my dinner I left if on because I hadn't heard any news today on FOX about what was going on and thought it even better that CNN might be running something worthwhile and interesting, wrong ! he was talking to the PLO representative...

  21. Word games, this is all our government knows now, it all started with slick willy, intelligence and the alphabet are no longer used. To take the 5th amendment is the same as declaring to everyone of your guilt. How would a person defend themselves if they didn't tell the truth. Pretty simple concept isn't it. The 5th was intended to allow a person time to get themselves a lawyer before they incriminated themselves by making any statement, it was never intended to allow a felon to commits c...

  22. This witch should be hung on a street corner. The worst crime you could commit against another American is to use your office as a weapon with intent to do serious harm to their person and their standings as a citizen, I would be happy to kick the stool out from under this delicate flower. This is the kind of liberal we now have in this chicken shit party, they will commit any high crime and tell any lie to do harm to another American. These people better understand their asses aren't ever...

  23. A post on one of our groups just told of massive cuts in our officer corps coming in a few days and weeks. Told their services would no longer be needed. Hows everyone feel about a public hanging to take place in good old Washington DC. If our forefathers could have seen this worthless foreign muslim bastard sleeping in our white house they would all have written another article to make sure it don't happen. I think that was what they had in mind when they already said only a person with n...

  24. NASCAR called the race , they tore up a couple million dollars in equipment today because they consider this a show now, not a car race. I'm just glad I'm not one spending that huge ticket cost to see a partial race then wait two days to do so. They seriously need to get their act together before they kill racing. They schedule these races knowing full well it rains here more than any place in the country. A car not even in the running won today because the rains started. Not a lot of ha...

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