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Everything posted by Materene

  1. Had another nice shower, I can tell when they start because I feel a draft in the room across my feet. Long as it stays warm it can rain all it wants, now if it starts getting down in the 40s that's another matter. The day is moving very slow for some reason seems like I've been sitting here a long time , maybe because I have been busy reading and doing a few things.

  2. Started after midnight and rained all night, at a pause now and still very cloudy and may rain more today, IMA stay indoors and not get my feet wet. I'll get up in the morning and go get some pushaline and buy some sausages for Sundays Beans n Rice. Last two Christmas eves it was weather like this but colder and I decided not to drive out to the old shop since the weather was so bad, I may not go this 24th and just sit here and stare out the window. Water is draining good but it is standi...

  3. All those areas were always known as non white areas, it was a subject not spoken about, just assumed everyone knew the bondaries back then. I only go back to 48 but I do know what the city boundaries were then and often rode the city buses with my Grandmother and of course it was still signs in the bus that told Black folks sit in the rear, there were Black water fountains everwhere. To see a map outlined like this would be a normal thing. For anyone to be born after this period in history it is hard to understand, Black folks and other non white communites were existing in their own little cities more or less unless they were working outside, they had their own stores own schools pretty much sef contained so to speak. Non whites did not go into these areas. For older people like myself it is hard to understand why today after so much change and progress it is suddenly under attack and we find ourselves blamed for failures not instigated by us. I know where it stems but this is not a political forum so I'll just for once be quiet.
  4. Almost forgot, I found my shroud and awaiting conformation on the dimensions for width and height. It is one piece and listed for a big block so when you ask for a heavy duty radiator for that 82 they naturally assume you have the 454. I knew the radiator that was originally in the Truck was not this long one but the narrower taller one using a two piece shroud. It gets confusing because there is a sump on the bottom each side of the radiator frame mount that the little rubber cushions sit...

  5. I'm tired already of all these whiners talking about the internet, it sounds to me like a cover up so the government here can take over our internet like they have been trying to do ever since this illegal from kenyan crawled in. They are trying so hard to take the internet away from private enterprise and make it a government entity, screw these silly bastards that have caused more harm to this country in 6 years than we've seen since before WWI, do not allow these ass holes to screw up our...

  6. Had a good lunch, fried chicken and green beans, smashed taters and a gravy made with the drippings and a can of cream of mushroom soup. Dog says the chicken was fine with her but I have to say I do not like this chicken at all, it is tough greasy and just not my kind of chicken. If I had a cooler with me last week when I went to have the Truck inspected I could have got some good chicken while at wal mart, last I heard or bought at wal mart was very good. I like that skinless breast that...

  7. Cloudy Today and still warm out, got some chicken thawing and I think it will be chicken and rice for a dreary day like today, tomorrow and later tonight it is supposed to rain. Went to bed slightly later last night and this morning I still woke up at a decent hour, was laying there letting my eye balls shrink back to their normal diameters and I switched the TV channels a couple times, FOX news sound was outta sync and it was giving me the hiby jiby's so I switched it and on the Sci Fi was...

  8. Feels like the night air is getting cool now, had to shut that bedroom window and the front was already shut an hour ago. I was told it looks like rain in Houston so I guess it might be coming this way, have to look at my weather radar, I try to do that when I remember, not that it is important. For the longest time my driver side window side glass has been out, still haven't done a proper repair other that put some plexiglass in, that alone was a really good fix. I wanted to wait and see...

  9. Just made my southern fried white corn, not too bad considering it was canned and that's the key I think to being great or alright! Even the canned white corn is too sweet and it ruins that fresh taste, at least for me. I'm going to watch for the on the cob white corn and try it when I see it. It is a change and good just not quite what Grandmother made. One of the key factors about making this is if the corn is fresh and on the cob scraping off that pulp left on the cob after cutting the...

  10. Walked to my front side window and looked out and from there I can see the High School Base Ball Field, there is about 6 Hawks low level circling over the ball field, I guess there is a rabbit there, then also the neighbor has a new pack of little Ginny chicks running loose, they are pretty small so it might be them on the menu for today. There is tall over grown grass and they could be hiding in there just before you get to the base ball fence. I never see these hawks this low and this man...

  11. I think I might have mentioned it but this morning when the dog and I made our rounds I got a package for Christmas and received a nice blanket from my Sister who lives outside of Palm Springs in high Dessert. Last Christmas she knew I needed blankets so she sent what she thought was 3, as it turned out they were not blankets and the seller had hoodwinked people by calling them blankets in their advertising when in fact they were nothing more than thin bed dressings, thin as sheets !! they...

  12. Yes that seems to be it, here is what it now looks like and they were busy remodeling when I left Houston again 6 years ago, a little erie because just a block down Shepherd is the old Presbyterian Church that was my close friends whom both died within two months of one another and I left at that time after the funeral and moved back to La, I see the Church is now no longer the Presbyterian but something different. All our Churches are almost gone now, the good friend was a friend of my ex wife from back early 70's , she had been a member of this Church for 80 years, and now like her, it's gone. I wouldn't have known this unless I had seen this post about the building in question. I won't be surprised when I finally come home at the end of this winter. Let's see if I can get those google images showing. That pawn shop over across the street from the one above, I can remember pressing my face against the front plate glass as a young kid.
  13. One Federal Judge declared the kenyans recent overreach with immigration executive order as unconstitutional and a president is not the overseer of congress nor does he have the power to do things because he don't like what congress does or says, in other words that worthless POS just got his clock cleaned, he and his other law breakers will continue to ignore this Federal Judge and this is exactly why you I and every American should have him forcibly removed if he continues to break our laws...

  14. Silly Dog, I gave her the other half a can of her chicken and she ate that and now is eating the Salmon I had put down. Dogs are so funny sometimes, never know what they might be thinking or scheming , especially when it comes to eating because that is the only important thing God gave them other than reproducing but to have enough to eat. They would all die if it were not for humans feeding them, they cannot hunt for themselves any longer as they did while they were still in the wolf blood...

  15. I wouldn't be worth my salt if I didn't cuss yahoo mail today, the most useless worthless email available. You can't delete spam folder the damned thing just sits there and freezes if you were in another tab doing something else and go back to spam folder or inbox. So screwed up I'm ready to sit down and start a list of people I need to contact and just dump this useless crap once and for all. It is now officially pathetic.

  16. Well horse drawn wagons were still allowed in Houston in the mid 50's so there was still money to be made selling out the back of a wagon, maybe the woman had some buyers for her crops. There was an old colored gentleman that had a mule team which pulled a very old rubber tired wooden wagon in the Heights as late as 58. My family bought fresh vegetables from him often. Nothing like progess.... I guess
  17. Looking at the side sliding door on the rear it may well have been an older dealership, Al Parker was in the same area but that's not Al Parker Buick, you will find a building off Sheperd Drive and Washington with the same styling and I believe it was a grocer long long ago, they used those steel rod supports that came from the top of the brick work down to the awning rooftop, it was on many buildings in the 50's, wish I knew what it was since I worked in that particular area in 1970. I worked at a few of the old downtown dealerships in my day, Al Parker , Mike Persia.. and I'm blank on it !
  18. You might try the tax office using the address, city business licenses etc.. It's old for sure. Now in the early 70's in the Spring Branch area they were throwing up large warehouses with those style sides that were formed and bolted in. It looks like that style construction even if it isn't a tall building.
  19. I know those guys, they were always harrassing us while we were street racing in front of the new Arms Museum that was not open yet in 72. That was a fine four lane then and straight as an arrow, then it suddenly stopped on South Main. In 72 HPD had maybe 8 patrol cars in downtown Houston Proper, if you were invovled in an accident it took forever to have an accident investigator show up.
  20. Racist overtones from the AG, stinks to high heaven don't it. Here we have conservatives targeted, gun running to a foreign country, lying to congress, destruction of evidence in the IRS, and all this ass hat racist can do is fly his ass to Missouri to meddle and interfere and appease lawless looters and thieves. I think it was pretty clear to this point this guy that was shot was a thug and he attacked this officer in his own vehicle, a shot was fired inside the car and in the end he wasn'...

  21. Have we had a day that was free of an appearance of this kenyan on national television. The last person to take control of the media was Hitler and this guy is just like him. He has nothing to say any of us would or should be interested in. He is a racist just like his cherry picked racist AG and all this rioting and looting is a direct result of his racist attitude and actions. He is not there in the white house to run state business, someone needs to tell that worthless POS to keep his...

  22. Missing Man formation for Peter Miller, Company was formed and our two fire teams did the flyby on our way out for our daily missions. I was gunner on the lone ship nearest the Tower. We lost Peter the morning before while inserting the first stick into our LZ, we flew around this LZ for at least 30 minutes before the Ships arrived and Charlie was well disciplined this day and held his fire until we were exiting the first insertion, Peter was hit over his left shoulder and the round was jus...

  23. That 80 per cent chance of rain for yesterday .... well it got here today ;0)

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