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Status Updates posted by Materene

  1. Damn, time to go to bed, got to get up early and go to the PO and get my new hard drive yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, poor dog is really pissed when I stay up this late ;0)

  2. Damned grass is growing

  3. Do Not Purchase anything made in Mexico, Do Not Hire anyone from Mexico, Do Not Visit Mexico...............Until the American is released .... period no if's an's or but's shut them down financially , if this ass hat from kenya can't take care of business then we can. Share the message with as many as you can

  4. Every slime ball out there is sending bogus emails trying to phish banking information. Delete all that garbage, credit cards, free this free that. You can just about bet everything you get other than direct mail from a person you know, is a scam, and even then sometimes their mail is compromised. I think the entire world now has more corrupt thieves than good people, I know for a fact a bunch of them reside at the white house.

  5. Everyone remember this number and think how much money was spent or thrown away by our corrupt bloated unlawful government. It is shameful that these people prance around and suck down shrimp cocktails every night in DC, take vacations all over the world, spend millions on lavish get together s for government offices that are public servants. God damn all of them, go straight to hell where you belong.996,000 unprocessed Veterans claims . I hate liberals, I hate kenyans, and I hate muslims...

  6. Extremely active hurricane season, just what we needed!.......next one and I'm loading the dog and going west. Sitting around waiting for the power to go back on a week or more is the worst. The one last year just skirted us and fizzled out at Baton Rouge, the power still went off. You can't win might as well leave and take a vacation.

  7. Facebook is sick tonight, slow sluggish and non responsive. Lost post and missing replies still work ;0)

  8. Feels like the night air is getting cool now, had to shut that bedroom window and the front was already shut an hour ago. I was told it looks like rain in Houston so I guess it might be coming this way, have to look at my weather radar, I try to do that when I remember, not that it is important. For the longest time my driver side window side glass has been out, still haven't done a proper repair other that put some plexiglass in, that alone was a really good fix. I wanted to wait and see...

  9. For the very first time in our Nations history the washington crowd has declared war on American citizens with this bill passed last evening. At the drop of a hat they can now use our own military forces against us when they and they alone decide we are the enemy. People you better wake up and put and end to this tyranny and vote every one of these outlaws out of office, your very life could depend on whether you choose to look the other way or demand this bill be struck down as unconstitut...

  10. Frog choker this morning at daylight, going to come back again before the days over.Guess I'll go do my chores before the water get's too deep, I hate having wet feet.

  11. G night world, if my knee kicks out tonight I'm going to shoot myself

  12. Getting a little cooler out and I hear it is raining in Houston, don't know if that rain will reach me or not cause it's 300 miles, it could be a spring day in a matter of 300 miles, especially with Gulf Coast weather.

  13. Going to be a hot one today, I woke up because it was already getting warm in the bedroom and the front air was already on all night, it cycles during the evening hours and don't seem to put out the air like it did two summers ago when it was installed. The air feels cold but then while you're standing there at the counter you can feel it cycle and the cold air stops momentarily. I hate anything digital that is connected to high voltage things like air conditioners, they never will replace...

  14. Good night friends, I hope everyone had a good weekend... got more rain the next two days here in La, 30 per cent tomorrow and 60 for Tuesday, things are looking good for the week. Hope there is some decent TV tonight since I'm turning in an hour early. This getting up at 6 is for someone else not me. g nite

  15. Good night Miss Calabash where ever you are

  16. Got a good ball game going tonight, the Cardinals are already in the playoff so the outcome of this game isn't that important but I see a little shift in the game the last quarter of the first half.

  17. Got my chores done for the day, now I can goof off and watch out the window if the rain starts. People out in droves shopping this morning, I go into the dollar store to get a box of tea bags and there are two people checking out in front of me, one checker working as usual, so the first one took 25 minutes to check out 10 dollars worth of crap, don't know what the problem was but it was something to do with card denial or some other such reason, finally got my 1.43 cents worth of stuff and...

  18. Got my renewal notice on my little tiny PO box, it's now up to 48 bucks, I think it's time to just close it, all they put in it is junk mail, no sense in me paying someone 48 dollars to store junk mail. At the rate everything the government is involved with your entire SS check would be completely used up before you can even pay rent or any kind of bill. It's just sickening to watch all the gouging and waste going on. I'm going to send a change of address to my neighbors box for my meds an...

  19. Grass cut, Dog bathed, Race is over, I guess that means another work day tomorrow, hope I feel like going in. Need to take my little mower and do some work on it then come home and work on the rider to get it running again. Thing sit in the same spot for over a year and I had to pull it with my truck. I think I might as well take the deck down and put bearing in it, hate to see it running again and it burn belts. For an old worn out craftsman it still cuts like a brush hog, haven't ran in...

  20. Had a couple thin slices of a little Fruit Cake the cousin dropped off to me today, sure is good, not dry very tangy and tasty, I remember these little cakes going for 50 cents in my younger day but now a thin one is 2.50 and I have saw some even higher. I know it cost more to make these little cakes but hard to find one that actually taste really good, this one passes the taste test and it is very enjoyable, only mistake I made was not making coffee to go with it, I'll do that the next help...

  21. Had a good lunch, fried chicken and green beans, smashed taters and a gravy made with the drippings and a can of cream of mushroom soup. Dog says the chicken was fine with her but I have to say I do not like this chicken at all, it is tough greasy and just not my kind of chicken. If I had a cooler with me last week when I went to have the Truck inspected I could have got some good chicken while at wal mart, last I heard or bought at wal mart was very good. I like that skinless breast that...

  22. Had another nice shower, I can tell when they start because I feel a draft in the room across my feet. Long as it stays warm it can rain all it wants, now if it starts getting down in the 40s that's another matter. The day is moving very slow for some reason seems like I've been sitting here a long time , maybe because I have been busy reading and doing a few things.

  23. Hard Frost this morning, sun is high and bright and I think it will warm pretty quick, it better. I already had two hot teas and been up only 15 minutes. I knew I should have put my long johns on but nooooo I couldn't do that and be smart! Making out a shopping list so I don't forget half of what I need to get this morning before the stores close for New Years. Now if I can just figure out how to go into that cold ass bathroom and take a shower and shave. I may go shopping looking scragg...

  24. Have we had a day that was free of an appearance of this kenyan on national television. The last person to take control of the media was Hitler and this guy is just like him. He has nothing to say any of us would or should be interested in. He is a racist just like his cherry picked racist AG and all this rioting and looting is a direct result of his racist attitude and actions. He is not there in the white house to run state business, someone needs to tell that worthless POS to keep his...

  25. Having Hot Chocolate w/marshmallows hmmm good ;0)

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