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Everything posted by curley1733

  1. Seems like if you guys were given a $100 bill you would complain that it had wrinkles in it. We are talking about what many people used to call the " ghetto Kroger". It's not even done yet, and it's already 10 times better than it was
  2. This is my first post, but I have been lurking for a long time. I bought in Cottage Grove last year and had a lot of the same questions. We were originally looking at Intown homes, but bought another one down the street. We are extremely glad that we bought in Cottage Grove! It has been perfectly safe the entire year and seems to only be getting safer (not saying you don't need an alarm system, but I would suggest that anywhere) It is in the newly drawn flood plan, but it did not flood during Ike and has not flooded near my house in the year. The location is perfect for us. The access to I-10 and the ability to quickly go in any direction, too or from the city, is a HUGE benefit to us. We are right near the Washington Ave. area, but not a part of the noise and crowds. Intown homes seem like great houses, and everyone I have ever talked to about them said that they are well built. I do really like the insides. Considering the economy, I have no idea what is going to happen as far as if the prices will go up. But my guess is that as the rest of the neighborhood fills in and renews (seems like close to 50% has renewed) that the prices will only go up because of its location. For where Cottage Grove is located compared to the surroundings, it is cheap. As a person that lived in Chicago the parking does not bother me. There is tons of parking, it's just on the streets, which is what most other close to a large city dwellers deal with. However, it is something that should be considered. Love this site!
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