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Posts posted by porTENT

  1. I'd imagine that by the time DT looks something like this, the patinas of present would be encapsulated by tomorrow's technology in terms of the material skin preserved by a revolutionary yet unfound coatings methodology. DT would retain it's current splashy palette although it would be subverted, by again, tomorrow's building strategies/MO as envisioned. These are nice exercises but where's the world's tallest supertall in the background vista? happy.gif

  2. It makes you wonder who really controls content.

    Posters volunteer their time to contribute content. They ultimately control content. If they all leave, you are left with a shell of a forum once was. This also reminds me of Editor's story of how the forum came about in the first place; he put it online and checked back a few months later to see it had created a life of it's own. I guess if your not careful the reverse is true as well.

    Personally I think this is one of the best if not the best local forum, despite the lack of architecture talk (which in itself is a blessing in disguisehappy.gif). Thanks for your time and efforts Editor, you walk a fine line.

  3. funny stuff.

    I didn't know this forum drops the ban hammer. Tell Red to get a jump drive, anonymOS, and a new account from a proxy if he wants to post. happy.gif I knew about memebag's deletion issues, in fact I was the one who tipped him off to it initially., but I didn't know he too had left the forum. dry.gif

    Constructively, I'll add to the music convo. This is a song I frequently splice into dubbier dj sets.

  4. LOL, kylejack finally got what was coming to him. .

    It's great to see people exposed for what they really are and welcome to the board Attica, your my new favorite poster! Next time just send him the triplicated forms, cuz you just got a paygrade bump. happy.gif

  5. Thanks to Hadooga's sleuthing, I don't think it'll be too difficult to uncover the culprit... He/She didn't hide his/her tracks too well. Contact info is cconroy92@gmail.com. I'm no Columbo, but I'm pretty confident the kid's last name is Conroy, and I'll take it a step further and guess the kid was born in 1992. I don't think it'll be too difficult for the school to narrow down their search from there. While it's no clear admission of guilt, it's not exactly the I-am-Spartacus ambiguity you may have supposed.

    Anyhow, I think Hadooga may have uncovered the real culprit with this link:

    Shirts for sale next week

    $20 for Upperclassmen (11th-12th)

    $30 for Underclassmen (9th-10th)

    Yeah, unfettered capitalism is to blame. Look at the prices for those t-shirts! This is one enterprising entrepreneur. And look at all the free ad space he/she got from those local news programs and the Press! My god, he/she's probably made more money than I did in the last week, especially considering the group has 223 members. If only half of them bought a shirt, and they all paid the paltry upperclassmen price, then this kid grossed a minimum of $2200 in a week. If this kid gets caught, he/she needs to be given an automatic A in economics.

    I could find out who it is, but the more important question is "What crime did he commit?"

  6. <_<

    Your just a subtle troll. The fact that some folks have taken the time to explain to you time and time again and the fact that you continue to post as if the previous posts have merely deflected off of you like a duck is proof positive that you're either A.) retarded or B.) a troll. Have some respect for the community and lurk till you have something enlightening or intelligent to post about.

    • Like 1
  7. Peter Brown is a doddering dilettante who needs to stick to his regular social life over in West U.

    That might just be a symptom of being an architect and trying to communicate; the impression of doddering that is. We aren't called "housepets for the rich" for nothin'. ^_^

  8. Mecolm fountain: lightrail and park slope in background

    Galleria: skating rink and barrel vault roof

    Washington Ave: saturday night entry lines, people watching, signage

    LCC: interior shot of stage, drum circle, dancers

    Chase Tower: observation deck, look west by south-west

  9. I knew it was by city and not state.

    What I really want to get at is just because Houston doesn't have a great media presence now, doesn't mean it couldn't change. There is interest in this State, but the State has to offer incentives to get them to come. Look at Louisiana and other States that have taken a slice of Hollywood, Texas could easily take all of that business by undercutting the competing States. Just imagine the how the States surrounding Texas (& Las Vegas) would be doing if Texas legalized gambling. New Mexico, Louisiana, and Oklahoma would all suffer because the majority of their business comes from Texas. The point that I am trying to make is this State has a lot of power, but lately it hasn't been taking full advantage of it.

    Are you seriously advocating corporate welfare?

    Texas is not obligated to give incentives or subsidy to lure domestic industries away from their current locales. However under the Perry administration it has been doing quite of bit of this, but that does not mean it's a regular state policy.

  10. R.I.P.

    Linguistics are very important and I've always been fascinated with the study especially in regards to the origins of names, but I think the jury is still out on intentional misspellings and miscommunication in general. Call it a gut instinct but I just don't trust anyone over the age of 30 to have faith in word connotations of the future. It seems it is in their best interest to deride the increasing "informality" of our future lives. Check out this book if you don't believe me.

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