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Everything posted by TormentTowers

  1. Thank you for your response...Three near fatalties and one fatalty in the same location right next to KLOL radio station, which was earlier suggested as being haunted is worthy of discussion on this board. Are they mere coincidences, is it a haunted building? Or as you have suggested, just many construction defects? Rather than contiuing on it being haunted, will go with it being construction defects and take it to another thread.
  2. Montrose Area -Right off of Westheimer/ Yupon Street. Between the antique district and Montrose street. 77006 Zip.
  3. You seem to support free speech by posting ideas online, thus support anyone who protests, stands up for what the believe in. If a protestor wants to hang out on the corner- it's free speech. It's our constitutional right and what makes this country so great. Have you spent the time to listen to their personal stories before passing judgement? Do you really think they should not be allowed there?
  4. Regarding Tremont Tower- I'm not sure how the young worker died, but his parents will walk around the block silently in remembrance. They shut the construction site down after it happened and media kept quiet. I didn't hear about until after I closed on my unit from a construction engineer who worked there and from folks in the neighborhood. There was also a man who caught on fire during construction. The silver store across Westheimer actually saw him on fire and went to put him out. The two who were electrocuted lost control of their manlift while patching our balconies and swung into the power lines three times. Our power turned off - Looking out my balconey, saw the men grasping each other to live and the news reporters, fire dept, ambulances below. Since I was home, the recue crew used my condo to reach the men and bring them inside. Because my balconey was still wet from the coating, the men's footprints and white rag are still engrained on my balconey floor. I've since tried to sand it down, but the cloth particles and footprint are too deep. Now, the mold particules and the strong musty smell definitely make it smell haunted. The mysterious bloody noses I got in the middle of the night, and how I could sleep for 12 hours while living there....the haunting symptoms are gone now that I have moved out. I'm truly scared to ever go back...Haunted Tremont Tower....it's a block away from KLOL station, which is also noted as being haunted. ps. the pointed section is merely ornamental and serves no purpose.
  5. At a public forum in Sugarland, I asked TRCC how they could help me (as a condo owner), noting my handful of letters from elected officials who sent me there. Governor Perry, Senator Hutchison, and Attorney General Abbott all wrote me regarding my defective condo and referred me to TRCC for "protection". Because condos are not included in TRCC, TRCC denied my question noting condo owners are excluded from TRCC's protection. While it was embarassing and frustating to me to be denied an answer at a public hearing because I am a condo owner, more so knowing our elected officials sent me there. Do you think our elected officials really understand what is going on? Have they read the TRCC guidelines? How can The People understand TRCC (and rely on TRCC) if our Attorney General, Governor, and Senator don't even understand WHO TRCC is to include?
  6. I'm convinced Tremont Towers is a ghost town and is haunted because no one lives there. 1 construction worker died during its construction and 2 others were electricuted. It's only been open for less than a year and am convinced the place is haunted....66 out of 76 units sit vacant.
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