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  1. We're looking at the ones located north of I10, right after you cross the beltway. it's not the nicest area, but what about schools? any good ones? exemplary maybe? we have a 2 yr old who we want to send a good "public" school & not private
  2. anyone heard or know any info on these town homes? its the first time i hear of this builder, but the prices on these units are just too good to be true with all the upgrades! what's the catch?? http://www.intown-homes.com/default.aspx
  3. Well, thanks all for sharing your opinions with me so far. please keep them coming, need to read more views about all the good areas, esp that some of you are mentioning areas my DH & I never considered before. Not anything but just cuz we never drove by these areas ( southgate, southhampton, timbergrove...etc) before to look for houses. I think we will drive by sometime this week to observe the areas.
  4. Thanks margokorin & lhg. that's very informative. Yes about the builders, some townhouses never mention the builders of them. is this something to worry about? & a builder like Morgan residential Inc do you know anything about the quality of their homes?
  5. Well, but if I want to resell the house, then i believe the school district might play in my advantage. So how easy is to rent out a town house in that area? And by rent out i mean me renting out my just-bought-house in case i have to relocate for a period of time
  6. Alright everyone, I need your opinions/experience & answers on my questions here. My husband, 1 year old daughter & myself live by the Galleria area. We've been renting an apartment for I don't know how long & only recently we've decided this might be the right time to buy a house since everybody seems to be looking for & buying houses these days. but honestly I keep wondering to myself, is this the right time or should we wait a little more as the prices might go down even more?! Now my DH is working for a multinational so we might/might not get a transfer anytime soon. So whatever townhouse or Single family we're looking for we might be selling after 2 years from now. it all depends. So according to this, we decided that the best area for us would be inside the loop. We've been considering the Rice Military as our primary option since we really like the streets & houses over there. It seems to be occupied by young couple & professionals who just had their first baby or not yet. So we thought this is best area for a first time home buyer! are we on the right track? we are really getting confused with seeing too many people moving out to the suburbs instead & buying really big houses with really big backyards but nothing exciting about their neighborhood nor their own place! we still think the city is where we belong not the suburbs. So I need your help here to tell me your take on this particular area. Feagan street for example? what do you guys think of that street & all the neighboring streets as well? we've seen a few houses there but we were surprised to see some of them even though they are built by the same builder & in the same block yet have different price Tags. what's the deal with that? should we worry? WHat's the deal with school district too?? Is there any good school around this area? Safety -wise, has anyone experienced or heard of crimes going on there? Finally, how many years will it take for a house in this area to appreciate the price. Not necisseraily Feagan but all the neighbouring street that are 80% developed 20% in transition? Also, if you recommend certain street that we should go & take a look at that would be great too. I know this is such a long post, but i was speaking my mind out instead of in:)) Thanks for your help anyways
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