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Witch King

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Posts posted by Witch King

  1. Know a little something about concrete companies - the guys who are pouring this job would equal shoping for fresh produce at a gas station somewhere off Wallisville, Rd at about 1 in the morning.

    Don't get me wrong - great project and I'm happy it's being done but wanted to let you know how much we are scraping the bottom of the barrell.



  2. Considering the acreage, proximity to existing hotels, even closer proximity to the airport, bordered by Houston's major highways (bltwy 8 and 45) that happens to connect to Dallas, and in an area that could be readily developed with little need of more residential/shopping projects in city, this area would be IDEAL for an amusement park destination or even a Six Flags revamp. Have you ever taken an aerial view of the mall? Imagine digging up that behemoth of a surface parking lot, bull dozing the mall, and even buying up a couple adjacent parcels of land (shitty strip malls etc) we'd have more land than Astroworld sat on. I compared the aerial views of GP mall and Disneyland in California, if you flip the maps they almost look identical. I also think that doing so would create a necessary cohesion of the city, maybe even promoting more development in between the site and down 45 into the city, or even pushing light rail connection northern. Plans for amusement parks further out in the outskirts only creates further headaches of more commuting, this is a location Houston wouldn't mind driving to, without destroying more forest land, infill is our answer. The city also desperately needs something of a jewel near that airport, its depressing getting off of a flight from our intentional airport only to drive through blight. Houston is spending on so much on developing residential and retail, this would however create jobs, bring tourism, and promote a more lively atmosphere to our already growing city.


    I wouldn't hold me breath.

  3. Is it my imagination or has there been an armed crime on FM1960 reported on the local news nearly every day for the last week or so? This is getting completely ridiculous!! What's going on with law enforcement that criminals feel they can act with impunity in this corridor?! Something needs to be done!!


    Not to mention beggars on every intersection between US-290 and I-45,they need to be removed.

  4. Subway no.  If METRO wanted to change it to a subway.  They have to go back and do a study to submit to the government which takes years.  They already have a study for the line.  All they need to do is get funding.  Why do we build a $2 billion dollar freeway (Katy) that already is congested.  And we cannot build another light rail line for the core of the city?  Meanwhile Richmond Ave. is falling apart I drove on it last night what a nightmare.  Plus subway is not part of the Metro Solutions that we voted for.  To build a subway we may have to go back and vote for it.  It is a great plan but far too late.


    Wut?? :huh:

  5. In Houston, there was the Byzantine Chapel, although the frescoes have now been removed.  To me that was one of the best "holy" sites in the city. 


    Also check out Friends Meeting House designed by James Turrell,  Friends would disagree with it being categorized as a holy site, but it is awe-inspiring. 



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