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Everything posted by mastercreatorssdd

  1. I think it is a combination of things. 1) drug explosion- a drug called ice or meth exploded heavily in that area in the early to mid 90's and it brought along a lot destructive, derogatory, and downtrodden imagery, personnel, and economical changes versus the up-swinging, aspiring, and prosperous tone o that area before then 2) racial inequality- I too graduated from WHS in the early 90's, and I witnessed a lot of racial injustice amidst those times (racism is wrong and mother nature will not tolerate it, the balance of power screams that). Anyways, I allowed a lot of it too happen, but a lot of it was considered okay by the masses in that area. I think the changes in that area are true yet disheartening displays of justice to what happened to the people that really were victims of that injustice. We were some of the first and only african american families in that area at that time up to now, and there are now loads of african americans in that area. Unfortunately the ways, thoughts, and economical standards of african americans are considerably lower, slower, and disintegrative versus caucasian culture by way of westernized civilizations standards. 3) commerce increase- As most affluent people in the Houston area know, the Woodlands recently was hyped due to the investment power of large and aspiring businesses. Such needs to happen in the 1960 area mentioned here. I fully intend on investing in the area by way of my business. Hopefully others will follow if they are not doing so already.
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