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Status Replies posted by Geoff8201

  1. Family guy is throwed off today, don't let your kids watch this episode.

    1. Geoff8201


      I would say don't let your kids watch any episode until they are old enough to understand satire. I'm sorry but yesterdays ep was not offensive unless you are just easily offended, take things out of context or don't understand satire.

  2. seriously? does grogan's mill need a dairy queen? DQ going in at south millbend and grogan's mill.

    1. Geoff8201


      Really!?!That's awesome! ... I mean, I'm sorry to hear that...

  3. Did anybody happen to see the B-17 bomber flying directly above the centerline of the North Loop yesterday morning? What's the occasion?

    1. Geoff8201


      Watch out Niche, they're on to you... good luck buddy!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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