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Everything posted by kitt1987

  1. That king is indeed creepy as h*ll but the commercials crack me up something fierce. Wasn't there yet another one where the king is riding in the back seat of some dude's car as well? If anyone knows of a source that has these gems for download please let me know or post a link here! I've got the Hootie one and the one where the king's in bed with the guy, the rest are every bit as disturbing and funny!
  2. Hey does anyone know where you can download the newest Burger King commercials? Not the streaming ones but someplace you can actually download them and save them? I'm talking about the one with the dog, the one with the King standing in the guy's bedroom window and I just saw another one where the King gets hit with a newspaper standing outside someone's house peeping in their window. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated...these things crack me up big time! Thanks!
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