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  1. I appreciate the feedback (and welcome), guys -- thanks.
  2. I recently relocated to Houston from Austin and am looking to connect with iinformed locals! HAIF looks like a great resource and I'm glad I found it. I would love some local insight on the best fireworks shows in town for the upcoming 4th of July weekend. I love the classic celebrations with a symphony, so the Miller Outdoor Theatre show seems to be the right fit but I'm definitely open to suggestions. If I were to go for the Miller show, how is parking, where would I park, and how early should I get there? What are the regulations for bring in your own food and drinks? The rules and regulations only seem to outlaw glass containers and encourage you to use the concessions while not seeming to prohibit outside food. Is that indeed the case? Is it OK to bring in your own wine or beer if it's not in a glass container? Thanks so much for your guidance and insight!
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