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Everything posted by lisaleese

  1. Bwa ha ha. I can laugh about this now. I think this is the forum of the guy who USED to work at channel 11. I didn't recognize him one day at Kroger, and he was SO OFFENDED that he a) posted some great vitriol in this list and 2) send a nasty letter to my boss. Uh, ok. I don't say "hello, - nice to see you - how's the news- great to see you today?" Did you ever think I -- and hard to believe those "perfect TV people" (bwa ha ha ha ha RIGHT) -- were ever supposed to have a bad day? Well, some of those people do, and it just so happened I was probably having a bad day when I ran into you. But wait - I can't remember that day because I can't remember YOU. Let us have a moment of silence for the gawdawful snub. I shall sacrifice small roaches to the god of "Horrible Evil Snobby Bitches" then say 1000 "Hail Whatevers." Ah. Don't we all feel better now?
  2. It's about damn time I can talk about why I got the hell out of TV news. Now that I'm not some public figure or whatever-the-hell that is, some background first: 1. I pursued TV reporting in college, where I figured I wouldn't become "famous" ... or whatever. I just wanted to be a lowly news reporter. 2. Then, someone asked me to anchor tv newscasts. 3. I found out I was halfway decent at that job and made some pretty decent money, and I kept doing that, up to Houston. 4. Problem was, I hated being in the public eye to that extent, so I spent several years FAKING IT. Trust me, you would if you knew the kind of money that was thrown around. For the guy on this board who got his panties in a wad and was so upset (hold on, let's pause to wipe that tear out of his eye) that I hadn't smiled at him at Kroger - dear GOD! I didn't smile! Did you ever think I might have had more crap going on in my life than to worry about saying hello to you"??" Get the hell over it. Grow some cajones. Try to put yourself in my shoes: I'm sure there are people you've seen in one location, and when seeing them somewhere else, you have no idea who they are. Suffice it to say I was sick of trying to be the perfectly coiffed anchor who knew everyone and everything. Plus, I had to deal with your petulant crybaby letter-writing to my boss, whining that I did not acknowledge your existence. Hold on - let's all throw a temper tantrum in solidarity! Please. Well, that's pretty damn sad. Says a great deal about the mentality of the viewing public. Whatever. People need to find their own personal "heroes/superstars/whatever without making "celebrities" those things. I hated the celebrity crap, so I left it. No sugar daddy, no secret deal, no crazy inheritance. I just left and started over. How hard is that to believe? I appreciate those of you who've been supportive. For the rest of you whose "gentle sensibilites" I've offended.... get over it.
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