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Posts posted by GREASER

  1. Thanks - looks like I'd have to go this route since I can't find anything already made.

    The current two columns are 8' x 9.5" x 1" and while I thought they were necessary/load bearing, the match I *thought* I found (and knowing the previous owners, it would be this one since it is the cheapest available) says it is decorative only.

    Anyone know how to quickly determine whether the eave will collapse if I yank them out? :)

    The more I think about it, I seriously doubt the eave needs them (but then why would they spend the $ to replace what was originally there? I can tell where the previous columns were attached).

    Over time, everthing would sag (happens in buildings and people.haha) . Wood needs a little support of the end of a long run. I would replace them with 3 in tubing. Just a round pole with a 3x4 plate welded on each end.

  2. There is Atkins downtown, but for a nice door, go to any of the customer door companies, Conroe door, I think Mongomery customer door....anyway thats what they do. They make doors for other companies to sell. I showed them pics on a mod door costing 2000 or so and they laughed and explained the rediculous markup...so they arent that expensive considering its the first thing people see (unless you have a car broken down in the front yard ) when they come to your house. I have an installer that works on weekends only. PM me when/if you need the info.

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  3. My comp does buisness with door companies and showed them this company. They said the prices are crazy high and probobly having someone else make them, then marking them up. Call Conroe door is you need a retro door. They will make one cheaper than this.

  4. not sure about all the ones listed, but the one in Sugarland was in bad shape. It really appeared to be a temporary gym...all the equipment was used/old. The free weights all had a bit of rust, and duct tape was on some of the benches. It was also extremely hot...like they didnt want to turn on the ac.

  5. i am not sure which house this was/is (link seems dead) - but if it backs up to sims bayou then the lot sqft numbers on the tax rolls are not the "useable" sq. footage. This is a result of the very large flood control easements that were put in when they re-did the bayou in the 90's (i believe the easement is on the HCAD maps with a dashed line) .

    They probably got tired of telling prospective buyers that you can't really use the back half of your property.

    thats correct, but a realtor had told me half the property had a lien on it. The back yard is now half of what the neighbors are...and thats half the useable area. I am sure this very cool house will loose and be torn down.

    also the har listing was taken down the day the barrier was put up in the back.

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