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Everything posted by Setteghastly

  1. I just think Houston didn't try hard enough to be as attractive as it could be. The combination of flat terrain, bland architecture, billboards, concrete everywhere, lack of zoning, etc. just sickens me. It was always kind of embarrassing to have friends and family visit me in Houston. I LOVE showing off Atlanta to friends, though.
  2. http://images.kw.com/agent_photos/2/2/5/225177//library/sandy_springs_ga_400_1267818319787.jpg http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/static.panoramio.com/photos/original/11006979.jpg http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?t=176873 http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?t=176873 http://discoverblackheritage.com/images/mlk%20national%20historic%20site.jpg http://blogs.ajc.com/inside-access/files/2009/11/kinghome1.jpg They actually have a sufficient public trans system http://www.metrojacksonville.com/photos/thumbs/lrg-1116-as-23.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/56/MARTA_-_N3_Station.jpg/800px-MARTA_-_N3_Station.jpg
  3. Nope. Not a chance. Atlanta is gorgeous. Houston is flat and marsh-like.
  4. All cities have their "ugly" parts (though there isn't much ugly in Atlanta, IMO), but unlike other cities, MOST of Houston is pretty ugly and bland. I come from one of the ugliest neighborhoods in Houston.They're completely different in my opinion. If someone's showing you around Houston, they have to tell where to go if you want to see something pretty. In Atlanta, they have to tell you where to go if you want to see something ugly. The city is just downright gorgeous with all the hills and the trees. The natural beauty of the area makes even the worst areas look better than Houston, IMO. Heritage Plaza is gross. I hate that Lego building. http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/HAI/Images/Buildings/Downtown/HeritagePlaza-002.jpg
  5. When it comes to bland, boring, generic office structures...Houston > The World
  6. Would it matter either way? I mean, this is only a matter of opinion.I just love the more modern look of Atlanta. I love how the architecture is more elaborate and elegant. Probably not what everyone would consider the best, but some of my favorites are: Bank of America Plaza http://cf.juggle-images.com/fit/white/600x600/wg-bank-of-america-5.jpg One Atlantic Center (IBM Tower) http://www.officespa...ntaiccenter.jpg 191 Peachtree http://farm1.static...._57e0efcc37.jpg Some of Atlanta's newer buildings: The Sovereign http://farm4.static...._03a3b19fe6.jpg 1180 Peachtree http://www.contentwi...8o7fWFBWpR7.jpg
  7. Absolutely. Naturally as well. http://www.themeetingmagazines.com/index/Portals/2/2007_0506_IFMM/2.%20Industry%20News/Evergreen-492.jpg http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/25/bd/e7/stone-mountain-christmas.jpg http://pics4.city-data.com/cpicv/vfiles2189.jpg http://www.wunderground.com/data/wximagenew/s/Smokyboy/23.jpg
  8. But this is more exciting? http://www.sloanegallery.com/Houston%20Skyline%201980s%20web.jpg ....I guess.
  9. I just think it's better than Houston's seemingly endless sea of bland, office park architecture.
  10. And yeah, seeing this at night would be very boring. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/118/295211352_970d7c8895.jpg
  11. I respect your opinion. I just love the crowns of Atlanta's towers so much more than Houston's Lego buildings. And even 90s architecture still looks very modern to me. Most 70s/80s boom architecture should be burned to the ground.
  12. I knew someone was going to make a comment about that car. That's why I had so much fun posting it.
  13. Not in the sense of new urbanism. And the architecture is also more modern. Much of Houston looks very '80s.
  14. There's definitely plenty of activity around Atlanta at the right times. Just like in Houston. http://www.city-data...ml#post15751349 http://www.city-data...ml#post15751349
  15. But the streetscape/city scene is also more interesting, beautiful, and more progressive than Houston's. Atlantic Station http://images04.olx..../55745600_1.jpg Five Points http://img.groundspe...129130b87c0.jpg Philips Arena http://basketball.ba...Hawks/front.jpg Technology Square, Georgia Tech http://farm3.static....5f0d48b.jpg?v=0 Glenwood Park http://glenwoodpark....dsc_0325-lg.jpg
  16. Atlanta defecates on Houston in the looks department. Most of the architecture is superior in every way. http://cache.virtualtourist.com/1820558-Midtown_Atlanta_at_Night-Atlanta.jpg http://webpages.charter.net/paulhan/downtown2.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ab/DARLINGTON_ATLANTA_DAY_SKYLINE_1.jpg
  17. i think i kind of agree with the original poster while i think our buildings are just fine, houston has been known for its rather wide and "plain jane" style of architecture. it would be nice to see more sleek and sophisticated structures go up around the city. change won't kill us. this city has a lot of cool buildings, but not a lot of pretty ones.
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