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Posts posted by SilverJK

  1. i've said I wanted to buy that place for years, I even went as far as sending a letter to the owner seeing what they wanted for it.  It has been run down for a while but they started working on it recently.  I think it would be a perfect work/live space with room for 2 businesses downstairs and a nice apartment above. 

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  2. Walking North Main at night could still be an adventure... I had a shotgun pulled on me just off of main not too long ago while longboarding on the street (i was on the street but the "thug" thought we were infringing on his "territory")



  3. Criminals also know that breaking into a detached garage is "burglary of a building" while an attached garage could be "burglary of a habitation" and those two have significantly different punishments. 


    I actually think the crime has gone down a good bit since i've lived here (6+ years).  A few years ago we had multiple armed robberies, car robbery, sexual assualts on the trails, and a someone even got shot in the face accross the street from me...


    It seems like people on ND like to think crime has got soo much worse when they are the victim.  I'm not sure how much more police presence will help.. .there is a LOT of police presence on my street yet car breakins happen regularly.  I think more lighting would definitely be a good thing though.

  4. And yet, we still don't have a historical commission trying to dictate paint colors or sidewalk placement, as some other places do... not to mention, the percentage of even inside the Loop property in a historic district is small.  




    Well these ordinance changes happened without neighborhood approval... what would stop them from making more changes? 

  5. Well maybe it did make more sense for your district... but i seem to remember people even in Norhill (who had the strictist deed restrictions already in place) that were apprehensive to the change. 


    I'm more concerned about the process and how it went down for the whole thing vs. any specific district.



  6. I find it odd that the answer to the city's lack of involvement/enforcement, is more city involvement/things to enforce...  


    Instead of dismantling the curent process, why not create a new (neighborhood supported) process and phase out the rediculous one for the new?   This is what the "preservationist" should be working towards.  The biggest thing needed would be any changes would need to be voted on, and require a majority.  That is the part that really pisses people off, the radical changes that took place without proper input from the stakeholders (property owners).  The ole bait and switch.

  7. mollusk,


    I'm assuming you live in Norhill.  I thought Norhill was a true example of why the historic districts weren't needed.  That community got together, came up with their own deed restrictions and got the majority to go along with it.  That is not what happened in the East/West/South Heights districts.

  8. I disagree Mark.  That isn't their intention, even if that is the consequence.  They think they are making a "difference" for the betterment of all.   It isn't about the economics, it is about living out their distorted ideal utopia while they think everyone else either just doesn't know better/isn't enligtened or is an evil destroyer of history.



  9. Bungalows are pretty much known for being cute. 


    The problem I see with the pro historic people is they think they know better than everyone else.  Yes the anti historic district people are the same... but at least they aren't trying to force you do something you don't want to do.



  10. I noticed a variance request up across from the church.  It seems like they are trying to replot two of the four lots there into one lot?  at over 8k sq. ft.  It also mentioned for commercial use.  Anyone know whats going on there?   Any other plan for the the other two lots? 




  11. why should residents get free use of the public street, or be paid for others use of it? 


    If someone is blocking your driveway... call a tow truck.  (they will be more than happy to tow the person).  I think a lot of this is people whining because they don't know how to drive/backout of their driveways.  (which to be fair can be difficult with as narrow our entrances can be).  This happens to me all the time, and sometimes because of traffic I have to wait upwards of 30-45 seconds (traffic nightmare!!!!!!) before I can safely back out of my driveway.  Inner Loop Problems.

  12. I would argue that there is still a lack of diversity... but a fair amount of choices for similar genres.  We still have no Indian or Sushi places... it was be really nice to see something like an Ethiopian restaurant.


    I also like this thread as a reminder as to how far the restaurant scene has come for the 'hood.

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