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  1. Damn. I keep reading bad things about Park at Voss. The place looks great, I've taken a tour of it, even talked to one of the random residents while I was at the complex and he loved living there. Then I come home and see all the bad things people have posted about it here and on www.apartmentratings.com. I've got a LOT of second thoughts about the place, but I haven't seen a complex I like as much around the galleria area. Do any of you guys have other recommendations (maybe these new complexes you're talking about), that I could check out? I just moved back from San Diego and don't want to get stuck in a lease at some hellhole that looked nice on the outside. If anyone has lived there and had a great experience or a horror story, I'd like to hear it. You can get in touch with me at kathulos@hotmail.com. Thanks, Christian
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