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Posts posted by sheeats

  1. On 12/8/2017 at 2:43 PM, mkultra25 said:


    I hope I didn't curse her by posting that, but it appears that as of a few days ago she is no longer there and has been replaced by one of the recently-laid-off Press staffers. Not sure what happened, but I'm very sorry to see her go, as she was IMO a crucial element of what really made the magazine (and its online component) worth reading and distinguished it from the pack of anodyne competitors. And I say that with no slight intended toward her successor, who I'm sure will do a good job. 

    Y'all are too kind. I love that the HAIF community is still going strong; I hate that quality local coverage like that the Houston Press provided is going away in so many major markets, from NYC to LA. It's depressing to watch but I have hopes that something greater will be created out of this current cycle of destruction.

    And don't worry -- you didn't curse me. I left Houstonia last month to pursue something entirely different at Rice. My replacement at the magazine is an incredibly talented Press writer who is bringing major reporting chops to the table. She's joined by another Houston Press writer who was brought over after the demise of the paper, and they join a roster of phenomenal writers (and honestly terrific human beings). I have no doubt Houstonia will continue to thrive and produce the kind of quality independent journalism that's so crucial right now.

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  2. I'm struggling to understand this statement. In a parallel universe, The Tavern may have been torn down last October?

    "'Plus or minus,' used to indicate the precision of an approximation (as in "The result is 10 ± 0.3", meaning the result is somewhere between 10 - 0.3, that is, 9.7, and 10 + 0.3, that is, 10.3)."

    So, it could be torn down in exactly six months, or it could be torn down in five months, or it could be torn down in seven months. ;)

    Either way, I've still got mixed feelings about a high density complex like this when there's already really awful traffic at that intersection. Hoping the City will fix the traffic signal there if this goes through...

  3. They had a band playing on the plaza on Thursday night... quite a few people came out to hang out on the lawn. Mona Lisa set up a cash bar out there so you could buy beer, mixed drinks or wine. Straits was open and Yard House was still in the works. They're doing a really nice job there.

    I drove by on Thursday night because I thought I heard music and lo and behold... Live band! I was pleasantly shocked to see so many people strolling around and sitting on/around the lawn. Can't wait to see the crowds when the development is finished. I really am surprised at how well they're pulling this all off so far...

  4. i heard at happy hr that some of the people twittering for the press are realizing it's immature and they are devastated they are just realizing it.

    I never said it was immature, nor was that why I decided to take a little Twitter sabbatical. But I fully agree with Editor that too many people are increasingly in love with the tool instead of the community that it fosters, the news/information it spreads, etc.

  5. I try not to post too much Houston Press stuff on here - purely for the sake of not looking as self-serving as I really am ;) -- but this was too good not to share:

    Houston's Best Dive Bars (by John Lomax, who definitely knows his business):



    Houston, This Is NOT a Dive Bar (also by Lomax): http://blogs.houstonpress.com/hairballs/2009/10/dive_bar-ology_101_what_a_dive.php

    I only know of one of the dive bars on the first list. The others were completely new to me. But I'm willing to bet that our HAIFers frequent or at least know of all the best dive bars in town...

  6. Glad to see I'm one of 10 people who would "never live anywhere else, at least willingly." LOL.

    I know there's bigger and better out there, but Houston has been good to me. My roots are here. My family (both blood and otherwise) is here. Houston is my home and I will cut a delicate flower who lives high on the hog off our city and hates it. Suggestion: GTFO.

    (Yes, I'm very loyal and protective of her...WHAT?)

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  7. Or, perhaps we should all just move into Hadooga's perfect utopia where sex, sexual organs and teenagers don't exist. It's a perfect world where, like Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron, any variances from the norm are handicapped.

    I feel like there should be a Bergeronian version of Godwin's Law, where "As a discussion about society grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Vonnegut or Harrison Bergeron approaches 1." :lol:

  8. In an effort to slightly get this back on track, I just moved to the Montrose a month ago after living in the suburbs my entire life. And I couldn't be happier. My commute downtown is non-existent (and will be even more fun when I buy a bicycle) and I can get to most parts of town with relative ease and swiftness. I can walk to some of my favorite restaurants and bars with extraordinary ease. I can even walk to see live music if I want to (although I don't really ever want to go to La Strada or Numbers at my age and will probably only go to Mango's on Wednesday nights for throwback 70s country night). And the walk? IS NICE. Neighbors are out. People are walking their dogs. Kids are riding their bikes. Everyone is friendly and says hi - even the trannies and the drunks.

    I love that fact that my local coffee shop is Taft St. or Antidote - not Starbucks. I love the fact that my local hardware store is Southland - not Home Depot or Lowe's. I love that my local bookstore is Dark Matter or Domy - not Barnes & Noble. I love that people are so accepting here and that they immediately embrace you as a fellow resident. I love that there are so many little cafes and restaurants that are doing their own thing and thriving. In short, I love the "small town" vibe that Montrose possesses. No other areas in the city come close to mimicking this, and I'm so happy to call it my home now.

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  9. i'd say any decent NY-style pizza in houston is better than just about any deepdish pizza from chicago. if i want a deepdish pizza, i'll go ahead and order a lasagna.

    It's always comforting to know I'm not the only person in the world who hates deep dish pizza. Sometimes I think I've just been missing something all these years, and then I realize that - no - it's just a crappy lasagna in a soggy crust.

  10. I don't think that anyone would have a problem with a midrise on that corner if the city were able to somehow fix the intersection itself. Perhaps the reason that there aren't more "vibrant, throbbing, active, hot" businesses at that intersection is primarily because it's horrifically designed and terrible to navigate? The lanes are almost too narrow to even accommodate a compact car, which leads to constant issues. Example: When a Metro bus comes trundling down Westheimer, the poor beast has to take up both lanes when approaching the stop light and at the light itself. Even regular cars can barely fit in the lanes at the lights. Montrose is a bit better, but that stretch of Westheimer is way too narrow to function well as it is right now. If something could possibly be done about that, then perhaps the intersection would see more businesses than just a Smoothie King.

  11. As long as Disco Kroger and Aladdin are allowed to survive, I'm cool with whatever they do to the intersection. Frankly, I'd love to see that unsightly strip mall disappear, so long as Half Priced Books is moved somewhere that's still convenient. The Spec's is sorta redundant considering the big Spec's is only about a mile away. I've yet to be impressed by 369, and Quizno's and Papa John's could easily and cheaply move to a different location. I just hope that if a midrise complex is built there it's allowed to complement the neighborhood instead of being an out-of-place cookie-cutter yuppie complex.

    While I'm not opposed to a midrise in principle, I just don't think that intersection - which is already congested enough - could handle the additional traffic that a bunch of people/cars in a midrise would create.

    For ages I've wished that a really cool grocery store like a Trader Joe's (wish, wish wish!) would move into the old Blockbuster strip center. A girl can dream, right? :D

  12. I looked and looked for another Clark Gable thread, but couldn't find one. So I apologize if this should be elsewhere. :)

    Thought y'all would be interested in seeing/reading about the Clark Gable house in Montrose (in Avondale, more specifically) on Hyde Park. He lived there from 1926 to 1927 and it's an absolutely gorgeous house.

    Article: http://blogs.houstonpress.com/hairballs/2009/09/houston_101_frankly_my_dear_i.php

    Slideshow: http://www.houstonpress.com/slideshow/view/28496258

    He had a fascinating life during the short time he spent in Houston, which I'm just now finding out about.

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