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Posts posted by JJVilla

  1. Without repeating the obvious (slowing economy, etc) I am not a suprise that this failed. I am not a marketing expert but it probably had something to do with their cheesy, stereotyipcal ads which didn't align with the fancy showroom and high-end clientel. Overall this project just didn't have it together for their high-end target. :wacko:

    With regard to the location comments or at least the one of it being on the "wrong side" of Westheimer - this is funny at best. I could agree with it (since I live north of the street nearby :blush: ) but think for this area it doesn't fit.

  2. Pretty simple for me:

    • I have voted for Democrats in the area and nationally BUT NOT for socialists.
    • I am not black or white.
    • Hope all welfare and rock the vote crowd stays at home, like usual.
    • Don't vote for idiots that demonize my industry (oil), city and state. If he is so smart why is you wasting that ad money insultaing our great city and state.

    Agree that goverment should/can provide some services for citizens but NOT welfare for all bums.

  3. Because that's the way it is here in "gool ol' Texas". You can't say a positive thing about your own city without bringing down another. Seriously, is there any other state like this? I don't think L.A. and San Fransico even have this type of rivalry. It's one of the things I hate about this state. If I ever leave the Houston region, I've already made up my mind that I'm bolting from Texas altogther.

    All places are like this - North vs. South CA are as bad or worse. Just ask a person from the Bay area what they think of SoCal.

    I agree that we and they can toot their own horn without insulting another city.

  4. It's sad that the defending 2 time champions don't have a thread for this season. I guess this happens when you're winning - you (the fans) don't have to sit and complain.

    They just finished their 3rd game in the 3rd country in the last week. Not many teams can get results in this league when playing in international games much less any in Houston. They scored 4 goals at one of best teams in Mexico City last night - great game. Thus they continue to represent Houston greatly in the interantional arena.

    Many teams here could learn a thing or two from them - (unjustified) arrogance and supertars (with over-inflated budgets) do NOT win championships!

    Let's go DYNAMO! Dale dale campion!

  5. Saturday's Dynamo match moved to 7 p.m.

    Change of plans (rescheduled this game till Oct 15th for now):

    "The city reached out to all sports organizations and asked that we cancel events this weekend," Dynamo chief operating officer Chris Canetti told the Houston Chronicle. "We are adhering to that request." :mellow:

  6. Anyone watching the stock market??? As bad as it is right now, we've still got about 2.5 hours left. This storm is a nice follow-up to Ike

    Time to BUY! :wub:




    Smartly that it. :blush: Maybe to lower your average cost...buy way undervalued stocks...

  7. I agree with enforcement of laws. But please, lets start with arresting every single illegal alien in our city before we go after someone for not having a bell on their bike or some want-to-be registration.

    We should also arrest every single "homeless" person before all those too. They have every capability to work and don't.

  8. Very light rain in Pearland. 288 is free. I am off today.

    People got mad at me for making fun of the media overplay and chickens running around with their head cut-off. :lol::rolleyes:

    Our company in the Galleria told us to pretty much to use common sense and most people did becuase many people came to work. Looks like Christmas time here with regard to the amount of cars in the garage. It's barely raining here and my place down the street. <_<

  9. Oh yeah...those too. :)

    I am surprised at hoe many companies have policies about people NOT renting cars in Houston. I don't know if it's in general as far traveling or JUST Houston,though.

    Many companies won't let you rent cars when you're outside your country of origin/base or at least highly discourage it. The only business trip (beside getting to airport) that I have driven to is my only trip to Ft. Worth. This was the only of over 10 business trips.

  10. I'm glad they were able to negotiate an extension at Robertson, but the city needs to face facts - if they can't come up with a stadium deal the Dynamo will leave, full stop.

    From various (public sources) its seems that much progess has been made on the negotiations.

    On another note, the condition of the playing field at Robertson is (at least) an absolute embarassment. The team is paying to play (with pretty generous incentives above rent) to U of H, so they should keep the field at least above third world standards. I am not even talking about the same level as the average Mexican team, either.

  11. Thanks a million! I feel much better about the husband making on offer. The critters sound great -- I haven't caught a crawfish on a string since I was a kid! Looking forward to it!

    Again, thank you.

    Jess Cook

    Whaaat? :wacko:

  12. I got rid of BOA two years ago and I will NEVER bank with them again. I'm thinking about getting a card with Continental miles...Citibank is it?

    Continental miles can be earned with a Chase issued MasterCard. I don't bank with them but still have the credit card.

  13. A big KUDOS goes out to Sen Hutchinson. I don't often praise Republicans, but her work for public transit in Texas deserves recognition.

    It's a shame that a native of DFW has to be the one to step to the plate for Houston!

    I agree with this sentiment. Independent of her running for governor, you got to wonder what the heck our local "reps" are thinking or influenced by.

  14. My high school in Northwest Houston-county, Klein Forest, was pretty diverse in many aspects when I went there (1994-98). By the time I graduated it was about 30% white, 25% hispanic, 25% black, and 20% asian. A mix of southern-Texas roots to first generation immigrants. Our boundaries were odd, kids that lived by KF went to Ike and vice-versa. We had people from Champions to the projects to farms going there. Not sure how it is now.

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