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  1. Just wanted to put in my two cents about this crime, even though it is old news. I went to school with all the people involved at Klein Collins highschool. First off, let me say Tuck and the other kid ARE Nazi white supremecists. Tucks whole family is. They live in Forest north, at least did, here in spring, across from one of my friends. A Nazi flag usually flies on their garage until they are forced to take it down every few weeks. There is all sorts of bad things going on there. ALSO, word on campus is that the attack took place over a bad drug deal. The sickest thing is that other kids were at the the party and stood by as this kid was attacked. They were too scared to do anything with Tuck and his accomplice in sight. I'm glad those 2 are locked up. Sadly the victim committed suicide this summer by jumoing off a cruise ship. It was all over the news, he had just appealed to the gov't to get laws changed. Not sure if this was a hate crime, like I said, everyone says it was over drugs, and Tuck claims over that girl. Either way, tragic.
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