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Everything posted by hustonprincess

  1. March of this year, we moved into a Patio Home here in Houston, off 1960. The house is very unique, and my husband and I liked the feel of the home. We signed a 1yr. lease, there were items that we had pointed out to the property manager that needed to be fixed, a very loose stair railing, no electricity in the master bathroom, dishwasher was not working even though it was fairly new. After two weeks, we experienced one of those hefty Spring storms...I woke up because our dog was upset over the thunder and lightening, so I got up, and stepped into 1/2 to 1" of water! Turning on the light (not a good idea standing in water), I soon saw it was coming in at the base of the bedroom wall, it was also in the master bath and the closets on that wall, even the area where the toilet and shower were as well. I promptly called the realtor's cell number...got voicemail, called his office, receptionist took message. In the meantime...the storm raged...after 40 mins. no response...called his office again, was told he was not returning any calls????? What a huge mess! Well, guess who got to sop up all the water, pick up soaked rugs? Me. Never heard from him, after weeks of trying to get hold of him. He never returned our calls. After the next storm...same thing...and it has been the same thing with each rainstorm we have! It took us until the first of May to finally get electricity on in the bathroom, not to his credit. I have even called the attorney that overseas this property for the company that owns this house...even wrote letters. We have been totally ignored. Yet...they want their $1250.00/mth! We need to get out of here. They have broken the lease...we owe them nothing. I am so stressed over this...we cannot even leave the house if it is going to storm. When it rains, middle of the nite, or wee hours of the morning, I cannot sleep...because of the seepage...the mess I end up having to clean. We cannot move our bedroom upstairs because I have my computers upstairs...Oh yeah...the water seeps in in the living room too! What are we to do???? Why are people so criminal? Isn't there any protection for unsuspecting people? Why should we be the ones that now AGAIN must fork out the money to move...not to mention the total physical and emotional stress of having to now search for another place to live! Does anyone here have anything decent to lease? We are clean people, we always treat property as if it were our own, and take excellent care of it. Oh, yes...we have found the house is sinking...the foundation is lower than the ground! Anyone know anyone with a home in the 1960/Champions/Spring/George Bush Airport area for lease? Help...gurgle...gurgle..blub...blub........
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