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Everything posted by Disastro

  1. I knew people back in the day that referred to Colonial House as "Venerial House". Also, am I the only one who thinks Pollock looks like a 70's porn star?
  2. Last time I ate at Steak n Shake was in Little Rock, Ark. But I remember there being one on FM 1960 near Champions when I was in Jr. High...used to eat at that one too. I remember they had a Sonic-like drive in. I think that location became a Grandy's later on.
  3. I wish they'd ticket people for parking on both sides of a street in a subdivision! They do that all the time in mine and there is a sharp curve on one of the streets and people park on both sides -- leaving a VERY narrow passage for cars to get through going both directions. It's an accident waiting to happen. In fact, recently a vehicle ran over someone's brick mailbox in the same location. People who park there should get a ticket! Bastards!
  4. If callers are idiots they deserve to be mocked. Not ALL points are valid or correct and when wrong they should be pointed out and stood up to.That's why I like Michael Savage. He doesn't tolerate fools either.I'll miss Chris Baker if he doesn't land on KSEV. I like Mancow's views, but I don't like these shows like Walton and Johnson and Mancow where they just act like clowns...and dilute the topic at hand...I prefer the Michael Savage approach.
  5. You're kidding???!!! Baker is gone?! Maybe he'll wind up on KSEV...they got Pat Grey...
  6. A thing of beauty...especially the sanctuary!
  7. I think they oughta be Red or Blue...METRO colors... And they need to put cow catchers on them for the idiots who keep driving in front of em...
  8. I must concur on Lasagna House...Awesome stuff!!! Yeah, it's supposed to be THEIR ghosts who haunt the place.
  9. I don't remember it looking like that...Either the S. Main location or the Shepherd one...
  10. Was Harold Gunn as nice in person as on TV? Hey, anyone remember Captain Bob Speaking of radio...anyone remember Barry Kay? If memory serves, he was on KRBE back in the 70's...
  11. I think it's like those alien landing strips down in Peru...it's the Houston version...
  12. A DOLLAR???!!!! Why those greedy bastards! I'll never go there again!
  13. The NW mall location was the one I went to as a kid...parties and such... Those were the days! Wasn't there another place kind of like it called Swenson's?
  14. I saw someone driving around today on San Felipe with a bumper sticker on their window that read "Save Houston's Historical Landmarks"...
  15. I was raised here too, but I hate the things...always have. I've wondered what the city would look like without them. Same goes for those big ugly metal towers as well.
  16. Can't say I remember that one, WUP... Your version...or Ricco's...
  17. That's true. I prefer the "hole in the wall places" or smaller local chains. I recommend Manuels...up on FM1960 and El Imperial on 1960 is still good too.
  18. That's so sexist! Only the guys had to swim nekkid?! What's up with that? Was it nekkid basketball and nekkid volleyball too?
  19. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Hilarious! But true... Sadly.
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