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Posts posted by crunchtastic

  1. Here is some hysterical language:


    Maybe CM Jones will be the anti-preservationist candidate for mayor.

    Looks like you found another place to post your sob story about lot value and having your view ruined. It also appears there are quite a few people who would rather suffer Jolanda Jones' antics than than your social engineering agenda masquerading as preservation.

  2. Pretty cool. Couldn't decide if I should put where I live or where I work. Ended up placing my work location. After all I don't want any demented HAIF's to show up where I live. :rolleyes:

    Wise man. I could tell you some stories about letting demented HAIFers show up where you live.


  3. Think again! While hysterical preservationists have hysterically celebrated phyric victories in the Heights and Montrose, the sealed bidding process for this highly visible and legitimately historical structure has seemed to slip under the radar.


    Totally unsurprising. The COH will put the preservation boot up the arse of non-investor homeowners who live in merely old structures no historical value, yet completely ignore the commerical buildings and districts that do. Lacking the political will and money to take on actual historic preservation, they bully the little guy instead to claim the win.

  4. Something barracuda said earlier has been bugging me all day. Would I really have to apply for permission just to replace my front door? Really?? I have to replace my own 100 year old door that's been warped, shimmed and planed to death. As it is, I'll need to have a new one custom milled to fit. It's just unconscionable to me I'd have to ask permission from a committee.

    Whole parts of the Heights still have open ditches for drainage, and you have to permit a door? Sorry, but Onion Creek, a mac n cheese place and a couple of antiques stores ain't all that. Boy am I glad I chose the east end instead.

  5. When I left the office today I could see that the barricades were down on the Allen Parkway side and a couple of people on the bridge. A news van was there so I don't know if it was open, or they were doing a spot or what.

    No leaf or debris build-up yet in the art that I could spot, but it shouldn't take long. I think we should turn them into giant change jars, and when they get full, use the money to trade in for more sculpture.

  6. I remember looking at a rent house over in Broadmoor while I was a student at UH, back around '94 or so. The landlord was just certain that the 2nd Ward area was the "next Montrose".

    Here we are almost 20 years later, and we're still talking about the "potential" of the area. Interesting.

    My wife and I used to talk about all the "potential" of our neighborhood. Over the years we realize how much we like things they way they are. We sure won't complain about the slow and steady improvements, but I'm not antsy for any big development plans any time soon.

    Yea, when I bought this place, I also inherited a stack of newspaper clippings (featuring this very house) going back to the late 90s talking about how Eastwood was the new inner loop neighborhood. Don't get me wrong: there is a lot of blight to be cleaned up yet. But I love it here, and would hate to see Canal, or any street in the vicinity, turned into the next Washington Ave. The "EaDO" plans are mostly silly to me. An ampitheatre? For what, exactly???

    Some BudLight/Lucky's Pub themed sponsorship of some lame-ass faux event? This is more than just a playground for the those who want to live urban for a couple of years. It already IS a neighborhood. Bring in some non-trend, solid retail/grocery/restaurants, and start from there. These mixed-use pedestrian-friendly bread and circuses renderings, jesus.

  7. City Streets was way tacky, but for some reason we kept going there for happy hour when I first moved here back in '01. It did have some redeeming qualities, like if you get too belligerent at the piano bar you can move over to the karaoke bar, then if it happens again you still have options without driving!

    Wow, it was still open then? I went there early on, and I left town in 95. Proof of concept, I guess.

  8. 'fresh out of college' is not the only target here. It will be a draw for downtown workers 20s and up who probably wouldn't go clubbing on Washington Ave, but love to get their extended happy hour on.

    My wistfullness for happy hour buffets and 3 for 1s aside, this is mostly likely a fail because they will have a hard time filling up late night and weekends, unless they can find a way to piggyback on the culture crowd wo are already there for the theatres (unlikely). Plus it's on the 'wrong side' of DT relative to other club action. The parking is very convenient and (to me) relatively inexpensive, but the threatre district underground is a total mess on big show nights.

  9. It's about time someone brought back the good ole' hi-volume, low-cost meat market. There's a whole new generation of 20 something office types who may now get to experience the joy of $3 wells and hundreds of potential uh, love matches all under the same convenient roof.

    ahhh....I can hear the extended club mix of Blue Monday like it was yesterday.

  10. But that is just it....you know exactly what the patio at Lupe Tortillas is going to be like on any random weekend....Lupe's is actively recruiting the crowd of restaurant patrons who have children and want to enjoy a dinner out. They have a playground. If you goto Lupe Tortillas and you get annoyed at the children, its your own problem...not some snotty nosed brat or the parents of the kid...you went there knowing what it was going to be like and then you got bothered. The only person to blame for that situation is you.

    exactly! Patrons vote with their wallets, and owners should have some latitude. I would not go to Lupe Tortillas for the very reasons you mentioned. Because I'm a big girl, I don't need the city council deciding for me.

    and I'm really not the child-hater I make myself out to be, I've been trying very hard lately to not refer to them as yard apes. :)

  11. Several more in this part of town... a couple of rather large ones down Telephone Road. It's a booming business to say the least.

    That old service station at Telephone and Dumble does the business as a bus depot. Gotta watch for peds when one is arriving and departing, because everyone queues up at the tacgueria across the street.

  12. Inserting my callous, obligatory remark about children in public:

    If I had to pick which dining experience would be more unpleasant: the patio at Lupe Tortillas on any random weekend, or any patio with dogs, Lupe Tortillas wins in a landslide.

    As long as dogs are leashed/tagged, I'm totally for it.

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  13. Here in Broadmoor we've already had 5 or 6 rolling outages lasting approx. 15 minutes each - a damned nuisance! Why can't the electric company spread them around to the neighborhoods where they've had none? When will they end?

    that's really odd, we still haven't had any on our end of Walker. what a PITA for you.

  14. snowmageddon!! Must stop at Specs on the way home. Snow without Irish whisky is like...well, something.

    Ugh, so does this means the grocery stores will be slammed with people buying bottled water and pop tarts?

    American General tower was offline from 6-ish to 7, am according to the property mgmt people. Just checked in with my SO and there's been no interruption at home in Eastwood yet.

  15. Given how starved the east end is for basic, non-dollar store retail, outside of Idylwood and the usual Eastwood clique I doubt there will be meaningful opposition. Another grocery store in proximity will hopefully put the pressure on Kroger to step up their game at the Polk/Cullen store. Gulfgate HEB could stand to clean its act up, too. Interesting how this story broke about the same time it appears the Foleys warehouse is up for sale. I had always imagined that would be the logical place for the next big retail center along 45 South.

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