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Posts posted by johnfinley

  1. .......downtown plano are a few of places that have developed around the train stops. Also several more are in development or building stages for the new lines.

    I think that's how Plano was begun, anyway. The big fake concrete jungle that's Plano now. My mom moved there in 1972, when it had a population less than 15,000. When I lived there (for a brief time), it was HUGE, like over 200,000.

  2. Yes...........that's the Wright Morrow Esate that's no longer with us. That was a beautiful colonial/Hollywood regency style home. Hollywood regency refers to that 1930's/1940's style of architecture and interior design that was partly created by William Haines, Joan Crawford's BFF.

  3. Has anyone been to Bravo's on Hwy 6, b4 you get to 59? I went there and enjoyed my nachos. I was stunned that they used queso, instead of real cheese, but I was impressed. The fajita meet was fantastically seasoned, our service was great, and our bill reasonable. While I was there, my partner's cousin's daughter was silly. She kept getting up to "get some baloons and gum." Well, when we were about to leave, some of the waiters came out, and put a sombrero on my head, then immeidately took it off my head, and put it on lil Meagan's head, then came behind her and smushed some whipped cream in her face! The joke was really on her, wasn't it? That was too cute!

    My partner makes a great frito pie. Freshly grated cheese on top of an old family chilli recipe, on top of those big frito's scoops. Funny thing is that the chilli tastes like nacho's, but messier. Pour some Pace's on it and dig in!

    When it comes to Tex-Mex, I'm spoiled. I grew up eating fresh hard and soft tacos, enchiladas, breakfast tacos, and nachos. So, when it comes to tex-mex I'm picky. El Fenix in Dallas is my fav. Funny thing is, my mom is this lil itty bitty thing from Chillicothe, TX, but she can make a MEAN taco!

  4. For my 25th birthday (In October), my partner and I are coming down and staying at the Hotel Icon. So, in addition to my research on the West mansion at Rice, what clubs would you all recommend and/or not go to? I'd like to visit a club kind of like Dallas' S4 (since I'm from Fort Worth) or maybe a jazz club? Any recommendations?




  5. ....but I bet you know that you're stuck in that wheel chair...........ya aaaarre Blanche!

    I've read somewhere that there is one bath on the first floor, that's still a complete deco bath, and upstairs some of the baths were ripped out, and some were covered in carpet on the walls! That may have been from the Texas Historical Commission article on the house.

  6. The things about the other two people that were elected in Dallas County, was that not many people knew about their sexuality, until after the race, if I'm not mistaken. Now, as for mayoral candidate Oakley, we all knew. I'm kind of stoked. Oak Lawn has a a MAJOR crime problem and homeless problem the past few years, and I hope that if Oakley is elected, he'll change all that. For instance, an average response time in the city of Dallas is low, but for Oak Lawn, it's unusually high. Several business owners have complained, but nothing has really been done. If I could find the articles, I'd post the links, but I can't find them!

  7. That would be awesome if Oakley would win! However, I'm in Fort Worth, and we really don't have anything here. My partner and I have to drive to Dallas for EVERYTHING! Village Station was remodeled a couple of years ago, and it's called S4. It's twice the size now and alot better looking aesthetically on the inside. Still a meat market though. What gay club isn't?

  8. I have a lot of respect for GHPA and David Bush. He just e-mailed me back. I don't want to put the e-mail here, but he basically shared with me what's alread in this thread, and the fact that a private developer is closing very soon on the property and turning the mansion into an assisted living facility! However, Mr. Bush also stated that the developer has NO PLANS WHATSOEVER of having a tour of the mansion. That part sucks, but I maybe able to finagle something. It's always worked for me here in Dallas and Fort Worth.

  9. Welcome, prisclynn, and thanks for posting the photos.

    This is my first time here! Woo hoo! I've been lurking around here for a month or so. Anway, I'd love to see more pics of the mansion; that's what brought me here. I've googled, and googled, and googled, and can't find many of the mansion. However, I've looked at it on google earth and local.live.com. I was in Houston here recently and missed out, because of the weather! :(

    Does anybody have any more pics, old, new, inside and out? BTW, I live in Fort Worth, and this place rocks 100 times more than the Dallas Historical Society boards! :D

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