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  1. I'm on a roll tonight, dredging up old posts and what-not. Erica Rose may consider herself an upcoming socialite, but her inability to keep her mouth shut in certain situations leads many to believe she'll never be more than "that girl from the Bachelor."
  2. The lot will have townhomes in the Charleston style built by Harry James. Prior to breaking ground the proposed price per home was approximately $500,000.
  3. So, what happened to the great "$1 for a condo" deal the builders' had plastered on a mini-billboard outside of the building for the past 2 months? The grand opening was scheduled for Easter weekend. I loved hearing the workers banging, sawing and shouting throughout the night as they rushed to "finish" the job. While the rainy weekend may have put a damper on the $1 bonanza, I was shocked when I drove by and noticed a black garbage bag covering the builders' tasteful advertisement. I'm sure the cop car parked on the 15th Street side lot throughout the afternoon was originally dispatched to provide crowd control: who can turn down $1 Condominiums! I'd love for the poster shilling for these condos (see upthread) to address a few rumors floating amongst the upper Heights Blvd. crowd. Did the company actually declare bankruptcy? Did some of the backers abscond with funds and flee the area? Did charges of fraud and deceptive advertising have anything to do with the "$1 Condo." signs disappearing? Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project (builders, speculators, con artists, etc.): you gave this area it's first true eyesore. Maybe you could take the property commercial and provide those of us who live between 11th and 19th @ Heights with our own strip mall: just offer all the franchisees the phenomenal $1 rate and you could hang out a sign in red neon stating "No Vacancies." I mean, what kind of person wouldn't want to have another Subway or Cricket store right in his own backyard?
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